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Hookah Cough

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I've noticed that if I smoke for more than 3 days in a row, I usually wake up the following day with a productive cough. I know this is to be expected what with the tobacco and all, but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing and how long it takes for it to go away assuming you keep smoking daily.
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My girlfriend doesn't usually smoke Hookah with the group because she has this problem. Not sure why, but everytime she's tried it she says she wakes up the next morning with a dry, soar throat.
I usually have a tall glass of something during/after smoking so maybe that helps?
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I used to get the cough a lot, but not so much anymore. Sometimes a little chest irritation though.

edit: Actually, if I smoke more than 3 bowls in a day, a lot of time my lungs feel gunky the next morning. Edited by symptom CY
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Ahh... I had this hardcore this morning, woke up at 5 AM because of it sad.gif I thought for sure I was coming down with something because the lymph nodes on my neck were swollen beyond belief. Just checked and they're fine now... Damn sad.gif
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I have a little tip for those of you that have problems with coughing. Check with your physician before doing this just to be on the safe side, but really there is nothing to worry about. There is an herb at any herbal store called MULLIEN, it is very good to smoke for people with athsma, and other issues. It has been used for a very long time as an alternative to tobacco. Mix anywhere from 1-5 grams of mullien with your tobacco, and the only coughing you will have will be from the mullien when you first smoke it because it is a natural expectorant, so the coughing will be productive and safe. Again I am not a holistic doctor so I would check this out with a holistic doctor.physician, or your pharmacist. It works for us. We use a little Damiana, which is a natural aphrodesiac in the mix also.
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I know this is KIND OF gross...buuuuuutttt I do get something different. I seem to wake up the next morning with dried up boogies in my nose....I dunno...maybe it is just me....

But as per the topic....no I have never gotten a hookah cough.....yet.

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QUOTE (SammyDDS @ Jun 28 2007, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a little tip for those of you that have problems with coughing. Check with your physician before doing this just to be on the safe side, but really there is nothing to worry about. There is an herb at any herbal store called MULLIEN, it is very good to smoke for people with athsma, and other issues. It has been used for a very long time as an alternative to tobacco. Mix anywhere from 1-5 grams of mullien with your tobacco, and the only coughing you will have will be from the mullien when you first smoke it because it is a natural expectorant, so the coughing will be productive and safe. Again I am not a holistic doctor so I would check this out with a holistic doctor.physician, or your pharmacist. It works for us. We use a little Damiana, which is a natural aphrodesiac in the mix also.

This is the first I have heard of Mullein. I will have to look into that. I better stay away from the Damiana though. Shiner is a leg humpin ho-dawg already smile.gif

Oh. FYI http://images.google.com/images?um=1&t...n&q=MULLEIN
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I've never had a a problem like that while smoking hookah, and I've smoked for the most part, everyday for about a year.

In fact I've seen a significantly valid difference between days when I have allergy's and days I don't. I don't have allergy spasms and sneezing about 10:00am everyday like I used to. Don't wake up with needing to blow my nose 5-10 times anymore, maybe just once or three times on the high end. I don't even have kleenex in my room or truck (I used to always keep a box there).

I'd say my sneezing has been cut by about 99%.
My runny noses by about 80%
itchy watery eyes 100%
sinus headaches 95%

and I'm taking absolutely no medicine or vitamins. Edited by cypherkk
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QUOTE (cypherkk @ Jun 30 2007, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've never had a a problem like that while smoking hookah, and I've smoked for the most part, everyday for about a year.

In fact I've seen a significantly valid difference between days when I have allergy's and days I don't. I don't have allergy spasms and sneezing about 10:00am everyday like I used to. Don't wake up with needing to blow my nose 5-10 times anymore, maybe just once or three times on the high end. I don't even have kleenex in my room or truck (I used to always keep a box there).

I'd say my sneezing has been cut by about 99%.
My runny noses by about 80%
itchy watery eyes 100%
sinus headaches 95%

and I'm taking absolutely no medicine or vitamins.

I have pretty bad sinuses....it is however "undercontrol",although I will wake up the odd morning where my eyes are watering and very sensitive to the light and then also my nose is running. Good old' Doc says its cos of my sinuses!

edit- I also take some pill every morning for my sinuses Edited by *HOT&SMOKING*
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