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Any Tips To Make Bowl/flavor Last Longer?

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its weird, some bowls last me 2+ hours with flavor the entire time and some bowls last an hour tops

iam assuming it has to do with the way the bowl is packed? but iam pretty sure i pack it pretty much the same everytime so iam not sure what else it could be
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Hookah smoking is one of those things that no matter what you do, sometimes things can go wrong. An applicable metaphor that comes to mind is fishing, you can have the most awesome uber fishing rod and tackle ever (which is the equivilant of the Sultan hookah found at hookah-shish.com tongue.gif) but your not going to catch any fish if they decide that they arent going to bite today.
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Probally alot of factors involved in this. Specific Tobacco batch, humidity in the air, how open your tastebuds are, cleanliness of setup, etc etc. I find that if I brush my teeth or use mouthwash, or if I take some of the Ginger like from a Sushi place and put it on your tongue to cleanse the pallet, that the flavor tastes better. Also, another thing it depends on VERY MUCH is heat. Sometimes, due to variances in individual coals, humidty, etc, the coal may burn at a higher or lower temperature. When they burn higher, the flavor will last for a shorter duration. Even though you may use 2 coals everytime, it doesn't always mean the same burn pattern. This has been my experience, hope it helps.

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Wind makes a huge impact. Smoking outside, the wind heats the coals and thus burns the tobacco more (and shrinks the coals in the process) leading to a shorter lasting bowl and shorter lasting coals as well.
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