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Social Smoke Egyptian Hookahs?

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I'm thinking of ordering two egyptians from Social Smoke Hookah, one for me and one for my gf. This would be our first hookahs. I've heard great things about the quality of SSH egyptians but what about the smoke? How well do they smoke? Very thick smoke? Easy on the throat? Etc? Specifically the Orion and the Sirius? Also, most of the egyptians come with a free bag? How good and protective are these bags? Thanks.
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The hookah itself has little to no bearing on how thick and smooth the smoke is. That's all about what kind of shisha you use, what kind of coals, how many coals, the temperature of the liquid in the base, how you pack the bowl, etc, etc, etc.

However, from what I have heard, Social Smoke makes very excellent hookahs. I think you'll be happy! My next hookah is probably going to be a SS.

Good luck, and welcome to the forum. wink.gif

P.S. For nice thick, smooth, un-harsh smoke, I would highly recommend using Starbuzz shisha and ice water in the base. Edited by tingjunkie
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I have had mine for 2 years, nothing but a quality smoke. I would highly suggest getting a hookah from them.

I'm sure the bag is suitable for carrying the hookah, I got my gemini before they even offered a free bag with them. I could only imagine that the bag would prevent the hookah from scratches and stuff considering it is a bag. I think the bag is more used towards an efficient way to carry all your goodies.

Either way though, get a SS hookah.

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