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Tangiers Trouble

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Okay, so here is the dilemma. Everytime I smoke Tangiers with my buddy it has more flavor and it doesn't taste as "burned" as mine.

When I recieved the Tangiers I set them all out with the bags cut open all the way across and I spread the tobacco around a little. It set out for 6 hours or so for acclimation. It was still pretty clumped together.. So maybe this is the problem.

When I pack my funnel I pack it loosely to the top and then press it down so there is a little, maybe a quarter of an inch of the bowl showing above the tobacco.

I put the tinfoil on tight and poke the holes in the following fashion..

I use the HK-33 coals and break them in half and place them like in the above picture, then put my wind cover on to retain the heat..

I let it sit for a minute or 2 and heat up then I hit it. I get the pull, decent amount of smoke and a very faint flavor. I get the tingle in the back of my throat and I know I should be getting more flavor.

I tried adding some quarters of the coals to heat it up some more and I'll get a little more flavor for a second then it goes back to the bland taste with just a hint of flavor..

The hookah I'm using is a Mya Vortex, I fill the water up to about a 2 inches above the bottom of the stem and the water is room temperature, which I read works better for Tangiers..

Any ideas on what is wrong?

Any ideas on what to do?
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First thing id suggest, is dont squish down the tobacco when you pack your bowl. I fill mine to the top.
And if you dont mind the tedium of it, light 4 quarters of a quicklight, instead of 2 halves, and spread them around the bowl.

Also, this is a funnel bowl without a mod? there should be a hole directly over the funnel in the middle.
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what i'd do is more holes... a lot more. and get some over the center. break that 33 into 3rds and then get a 3rd of another 33 and throw that on. As everyone else has said, dont pack it down, and use more tobacco. Also give it a good stir before u start packing your bowl this ensures you get all the juices evenly distributed. g/l
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QUOTE (aldonb1 @ Jul 4 2007, 11:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what i'd do is more holes... a lot more. and get some over the center. break that 33 into 3rds and then get a 3rd of another 33 and throw that on. As everyone else has said, dont pack it down, and use more tobacco. Also give it a good stir before u start packing your bowl this ensures you get all the juices evenly distributed. g/l

I do acclimate it and stir it up before I smoke. I think i might be using too much force when packing it down, maybe I'll try it looser. My guava smokes fine, but the other stuff still has a strong tobacco taste. Perhaps I should let them acclimate in the open air a little more. Most of them still have that tobacco smell, but I wasn't sure if that was expected with Tangiers. I tried putting the hole in the center but it seemed like my smoke was a lot thinner and that I didn't get as much flavor. Perhaps it's just because I'm not packing it right in the first place.

Thanks guys I'll try a combination of all this advice, I know that my Tangiers should taste better than it has.
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If you are leaving a 1/4" gap between the tobacco and the top of the bowl, thats too much. Don't spread it out, don;t leave too big a gap:

1. Heat travels through tobacco better than it does through ceramic which conducts heat better than air. When you leave larger gaps, the ceramic and the air have to move the heat down, whereas if you have tobacco there, the tobacco can do it. Imagine a long aluminum spoon and a gas burner...the spoon will get really hot...too hot if you put the spoon in the flame. If you hold the spoon a foot from the flame, it won't be hot at all. The closer you hold the spoon to the flame(Without actually touching it) the hotter it gets. The hookah head conducts some heat poorly through the ceramic, but the tobacco conducts heat the best of all...the further the tobacco is away from the top of the bowl (and the charcoal) the more heat is lost/wasted.
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I bought Raspberry and Watermelon Tangiers the other day. They have been sitting in the room that we smoke in, in a tupperware container with the lid off so it can acclimate.

Every couple of hours I will stir it. It has been sitting on the counter since 7/7/07 at 4:00 pm. It STILL has the BBQ smell. What am I doing wrong? Why wont it acclimate?!?!

Sorry I saw that this thread was talking about acclimation and I used the search button and didn't want to create yet ANOTHER thread biggrin.gif

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QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Jul 9 2007, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I bought Raspberry and Watermelon Tangiers the other day. They have been sitting in the room that we smoke in, in a tupperware container with the lid off so it can acclimate.

Every couple of hours I will stir it. It has been sitting on the counter since 7/7/07 at 4:00 pm. It STILL has the BBQ smell. What am I doing wrong? Why wont it acclimate?!?!

Sorry I saw that this thread was talking about acclimation and I used the search button and didn't want to create yet ANOTHER thread biggrin.gif


yea....i got some raspberry...doesnt smell good at all...
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QUOTE (Ehagen8008 @ Jul 9 2007, 11:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Jul 9 2007, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I bought Raspberry and Watermelon Tangiers the other day. They have been sitting in the room that we smoke in, in a tupperware container with the lid off so it can acclimate.

Every couple of hours I will stir it. It has been sitting on the counter since 7/7/07 at 4:00 pm. It STILL has the BBQ smell. What am I doing wrong? Why wont it acclimate?!?!

Sorry I saw that this thread was talking about acclimation and I used the search button and didn't want to create yet ANOTHER thread biggrin.gif


yea....i got some raspberry...doesnt smell good at all...

I just packed it a little higher, and let it sit out about 15 minutes before smoking.. Now it is fantastic.

The nicotine is intense though, overwhelming with a couple flavors.. But I like it wink.gif
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Molasses is a common ingredient in BBQ sauce and wheat bread. Thats the "BBQ" smell.

When I smell BBQ sauce...I think it smells like Tangiers. ohmy.gif Kidding. I never actually notice the similarity. They smell very different as far as I'm concerned.
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