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Shisha Buying Question

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I am a relatively new smoker and was wondering what the best way to go about buying shisha is. Should I get one of the "Value" packs that have 12 random flavors or just choose some 50gram packs based on personal preference and what some of the reviews say here on this forum? I want to try so many different brands and flavors but the shipping is gonna kill me and my local store carries very little laylina(3 Flavors) Starbuzz(2 flavors) and a ton of the hookahhookah shots. I bought about 8 shots but I wanna try some other stuff. Suggestions?

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In my experience 50gram packs arent usually as good as the 250g packs, dont know why. They're either not wet enough, too many stems, etc.
Its a good way to try flavors, but generally speaking its hard for me to find a flavor i dislike so much i wont get through a 250g pack of it. So i just pick what sounds good, read some reviews, and buy tubs.
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order a spread of stuff from a website that has a good selection. CHeck out the reviews for ideas on what you might like/dislike. Those sampler packs are a good idea, but usually stick to one brand. Just make sure you keep notes on what was good, what wasn't and was was passable, and don't forget to post on the reviews...
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Thanks for the replies! And Eugene, you have a great website and I appreciate the fact that you discount for forum members. I will definantly check out those brands you recommended, that was a big help thanks, look for an order from me soon! I also posted in the trades forum to possibly take some off of someones hands if they either dont like it or whatever, may be a good way to get a variety for less as well.

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Hey there. Welcome. I say it everytime, your best thing ever might be next mans worse thing ever, i think its just luck of the draw really buy a good mix. Thats the beauty of it, you have to find out what you like and what you dont like. And its true what calcartman said regarding it has to be absolutely gaggingly awful for you not to get through 250g, even then you can probably trade it off with someone. Honestly just go for your instincts, and unanimous opinions on flavours raved by mostly everyone and im sure youl be alright. Peace.
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