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Whats Up With Starbuzz?

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few days ago i was going to sample another 5 flavors so i picked out

apple cinnamon
blueberry grape

today when i went to process the order, those flavors are gone :[

but ive noticed this alot, social smoke will have new flavors up for grabs and then a day later they are gone... whats going on?
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I msgd Social Smoke early this week and got the following response:

Thank you so much for your interest in our products here at
www.socialsmokehookah.com we appreciate it very much. Unfortunately we
did not receive the order we place more than two weeks ago for the
StarBuzz tobacco. The demand for this tobacco is so great that the
company that produces it can not keep up with our purchases. We had
order 10 cases of each and we only receive 1 case of each new flavor. It
had already being added to our website thinking that they would send us
our order, however like I said it was incomplete. We had no choice but
to take it out immediately however, some people did get to order it and
it was out before we knew it. We apologize for this inconvenience. We
are the major distributor of this tobacco and the producers can not keep
up with our orders obviously. We just place a new order so we hope the
new flavor will be available within the next week, we apologize for this
inconvenience and we thank you so much for your patience.
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