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Double Bowls

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has anyone ever tried the double bowls? like this:[attachment=421:double_bowl.gif]
and also the one thats like a regular bowl, but divided in the middle?
does it make a difference with the taste when mixing flavors?

thanks for the help!!!
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My friend and I recently went and bought a big'ish bowl that had a split in the middle....

We put afzal grape in the one half and I think it was nahkla mint in the other....

It was with a probably 36" 2 piper rotator.....and it hit really really well......We eventually wen't to bed with head aches because it was so strong and quite a bit of smoke but not that much.....

But I am not sure ....as said in above posts by others its a novalty item if you have the extra cash lying around ......buy it if you wanna try it...

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Looks like they're high maintenance in the coal department.

I'd rather just mix them up myself but I think I read somewhere that those double bowls allow you to smoke from one, then the other, so you don't have to pack two bowls if you want medium short sessions of different flavors.

And when you mix with mint, the mint would be really strong, so I'd pack the mint towards the bottom or if it's mixed, then I'll put less mint than say grape for example.

I've seen them at the local shop, imo not worth it.
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Yeah, unfortunately, those two types of bowls have a couple of problems.

Different flavors have different strengths and react differently to heat over the course of smoking a bowl. A split bowl doesn't allow for different heat needs of one flavor versus another.

Double/triple heads (I drew up plans for some of these, different than the ones out and before they came out with them). Allow different heat levels on the two bowls, but it minimizes the flexibility of the mixes you might want. You can only mix it 50/50...since flavors have different strengths, any given mix may be problematic. The double/triple heads are slightly better, in my opinion. If you are only going to use them for one flavor, they might have a distinct advantage of thicker smoke (Why you want this, I have no idea...). I, of course, am of the opinion that there is only one way to pack a bowl. The same way I do it. Other people disagree with me, which is cool, to each, his own. Some people might put different amounts of tobacco in each of the heads, which would allow different mixes in the multiple head setup. Either way, one flavor is going to give out first and you will have the unenviable choice of:

1. Smoking a live bowl with a shitty bowl, burning and faded.
2. Take the heat off the cashed bowl and keep drawing the live bowl and a cashed unheated bowl.
3. Waste the live tobacco and give up.

I think Hookah Hippie is on the mark, its a lot better, easier, etc. to just mix flavors in the same bowl.
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