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I May Try This

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I wanna try that extra ring of foil he uses between the 2 pieces of foil, kind of creates a heat funnel. I also noticed his holes he poked on the foil closest to the shisha are very small. What would be the advantages of using that ring do you think? It looks like it smokes good. I am a little hesitant because I just started getting the hang of getting a good smoke and packing my bowl etc.

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Hey Huskysibe,

In my opinion, and probably most of the members on the forum, the foil ring is a waste of foil, shisha and time. From what I've read, the ring doesn't allow enough heat to get to the shisha and it takes too long to make and set up. I've also read that it can smoke good, but it's not consistent and takes too much effort to do. It could work one time and not work the next time.

Hope this helps! tongue.gif


Keep on smokin'!
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