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New To Hookah

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Hello all!! laugh.gif

Just got into hookah and have a couple of questions for you seasoned pro's. First off the hookah i have, (from a local shop up here in midland michigan), has a hose which one end is tapered down a bit, and the other has a wood handle with a metal piece on it, the mouth pieces i have dont fit over the end, and just wondering if this is just a cheap hose or if they gave me the wrong mouth piece thing. the other thing i was wondering is, i have read some on dif sites about putting foil over the sisha bowl, some say dont do it some say do it, is there a wrong way or are booth correct? Its not a expensive hookah, just a 20" shara smoke company one.
Thanks in advance,
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Mouth tips come in male and female varietys, so you may just have the wrong ones. Some fit over the end, others go into the tip.
As for foil, almost everyone puts foil over the tobacco, if thats your question. Others use a screen of some sort (glass or metal).
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