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European Stores And Availability

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I need help ... on the topic of tobacco availability, Europe kinda seems like totaly isolated.

German shops like www.shisha-world.com have decent choice, but sell the dry tobacco (german laws about glycerine), also I get something like 30ish EUR postage for just a few thing. Ordering small seems like out of the question. I had a spare hose, a bag of coal and a few different flavours of 50g packages to try out in total worh of arround 20 euros, and I got 30 euros for the parcel UPS on top of that ... thats crazy.

Other option I saw is british shops - which I'm not sure if they sell regular tobacco, but from the ones I found, www.shishapipe.net has most of it's things "out of stock" so you get down to a really poor choice, and www.theshishashop.com doesn't seem to ship outside UK.

Any good stores in france perhaps?

US is out of the question, because I get really high customs tax. What options do any of you guys inside EU use?

Thanks! Edited by Perun
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You can use certain US suppliers. I am in the UK and also suffer from the problems you do also.

I order from mnhookahs.com and they deliver international. Just ensure you ask teh vendor to package it
correctly and you will, probably, not get customs tax.

My advice is start with a small order of 1 box of tobacco. And see what happens. Build your own confidence with the supplier.

Good luck & Feel free to ask questions.

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