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A Coal Question......

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Tonight it's taking a second coal (3 Kings) to get the bowl going properly. It's Pharoah's peach so it can take a lot of heat anyway, but has anyone every noticed coals behaving differently in summer? 3 Kings is the ultimate stand-by and never fails. But it took twice as long to light as usual, it's breaking down slower, and it wasn't until adding a second coal that it truly started "smoking". I'm thinking it's the added humidity in the air maybe because it's noticably more humid. Has anyone else noticed anything like that? This is from the same batch/box that two weeks ago was firing like crazy, so I'm curious as to the cause. Ideas?

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YES YES YES> I have been posting this same thing over the past few weeks. Shisha smokes drastically different in the high humidity. Not only does it do what you are describing, it also tastes different (not as good) and the smoke isn't as thick. There have been multiple occassions recently where I will be smoking outside and it sucks, and I literally pick the hookah up, bring it into my AC in the house, and within 30seconds have a great session, the only change being the relative humidity and temperature. Later man.

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I've definitely noticed the difference. When I smoke outside now, I just use a windscreen I made out of foil (ghetto, I know, but it saves you from buying one and you can reuse it) and I get much better results. I live in South Carolina, where its pretty much 4000% humidity all summer long. I usually smoke indoors anyway, not because of coal trouble, but because its usually so uncomfortable outside in the summer. But try a windscreen and see if it helps.
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