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Proper Packing Of Phunnel W/ Mod...

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So I've used my phunnel about 6 times now and half the time its great and the other half its not so great. On the great sessions, the draw is easy and teh smoke is awesome but on the crappier sessions, the draw is hard and the smoke thin. I think it has to do something with my packing. I've caught myself on the worse sessions, packing a little too much around the scalli mod. Not so much around the sides, but the little skirts where the air is drawn. I'm pretty sure that's were my problem lies but how do I fix this? Just pack less around those openings and more around the sides? I've read up many many times on how to pack the phunnel with mod and seen the vids many times but I can never quite do it consistently. Thanks for any help!
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I pack my funnel very loose. I do not pack it down at all really, just break the shisha up and put it in. On the 3 areas where there is no air I put a decent amount of shisha, where the air comes, I put a little amount. In this area, I just drop the shisha, I don't push it down where the air flows at all. You don't need alot of shisha with the mod, and it needs to be LOOSE. Try that and if you still have problems let me know.

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