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Regarding Opd

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I know you guys really like Smiley's new distributor and you like Smiley and Smiley's tobacco, but your love for them is just too strong! Too many threads, too many negative remarks. Please refrain for a week or so from making any comments about OPD/Smiley/Smiley's Tobacco or posting new threads regarding same. Let this whole thing chill out. These things probably should be going into the vendor reviews anyways or tobacco reviews. I'm not threatening anybody with a ban or suspension or kick in the gonads or anything, I'm just asking. I think its a good idea. I know I like posting in those threads, too. Its bad news. We want people to see us as a positive Forum, not one that just runs down things or people we don't like. I'd like to think we're better than other Forums, with good reason. Go over to the Ford Forum or whatever, people talking shit about Dodge and Chevy as much or more than they are talking about why Ford's good. I want to smoke hookah and talk about hookah, not listen to other people running other people over. Thats why I'm here and not at some other Forum.

That's really all I have to say. I locked the other threads, regarding OPD and such.


Eric Edited by Sonthert
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