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Im Having Beef With My Funnel!

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ok im not getting as much flavor as i would like, i suspect i may be burning too quick (i.e. too much coal)
so ill run through my setup and tell me if im doing this wront

set mod in (if not tangiers)
liberally fill the surrounding of the mod with shisha, being careful to keep it pluffy (?) and not pack it down
put 1 layor of heavy duty alluminum foil on the bowl

now this is where i may be screwin up
i do 1 ring of holes, and thats where the shisha resides.
i then put about 2 or 3 charc on and smoke up
was using 3k 33m but i just got a shit load of jap coals
ok guys, i have searched and am unaware of why i suck. so can you gime a hand?
maybe explain, or if you have to pics. anything to gime an idea of wtf is wrong
thanks Edited by jamesh2
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I have 2 rings of holes in my setup and then random holes towards the middle where the mod is. The coals that I use are either 2 1.5" finger coals, or 3 pieces of jap ez lights, moving them every 7-10 minutes around the bowl to keep the shisha evenly cooking and not burn too quickly. Try adding more coals and using the ez lights and see what happens. I also press the shisha down into the funnel, not hard though, just flat.
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I do not recommend Beef with the funnel. IT's more of a spicy lamb bowl.

Seriously though :-

The Deep holes as indicated are good. And the level is important. I tend to push teh tobacco down a bit.
There should be a nice clear level between the foil and tobacco.

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