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Starbuzz Blueberry Prob

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Hey all, my comp has been broken for awhile so no talkin on the forum much, just an occasional browse when at a buddies place. My problem is, Ive been smokin starbuzz blackberry and the stuff tastes awsome, great smoke, great taste, everything, but when i smoke starbuzz blueberry the stuff taste like crap. Should i strain a bit of the juice out, or what? itd be a waste if i had to throw a whole can of starbuzz away just because i am doin something wrong.
Thanks in advance and good to talk on here again.
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Your problem is buying starbuzz in the first place (sorry I couldnt help myself, i just hate starbuzz)

Why dont you try packing it the same exact way as you do with the blackberry? A little bit of info on your setup would help aswell.
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Don't mean to start a pissing contest, but SB has given us the longest most favorable sessions out of anything else... At this point, I am not sure we will be smoking anything else for a while...
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My two cents:My first experiance with SB was their black grape/dark grape/something similar flavor, and it was fantastic. At first. At the point of getting a little over halfway through the tin it started tasting... bad. Horrible. Diahrea-inducing vomit flavor. And so, I threw the rest of the can away. But! I've since come to realize that starbuzz, for strange and eldritch reasons, needs an absolutely clean hose and hookah to taste right and seems to be extremely sensitive to humidity and heat. It's a finicky little 'baccy, but when it smokes well, it smokes -great-. I'd say hang on to your tin, give your piece a really, -really- good cleaning and make sure the stuff is good and mixed up before you pack it. If that's not it, maybe it's just a bad/old batch?
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Three thoughts:

1. Tobacco does have a tendency to separate, flavors, anyways. Tobacco needs to be stirred before each bowl. You are getting the top flavor. Top flavors tend to be light and sweet, bottom flavors tend to be dark and ugly, but still part of the flavor. If you made a flavor with top flavors, it would have almost no endurance. I imagine a slice of watermelon pointing upwards. The green, rindy flavors are on the bottom (which are present throughout the fruit...it discourages animals from eating it before its ripe and full of seeds for redistribution, and then the better flavors pick up later), the sweet flavor is at the top.

2. I am in line with the flavor contamination thing. Its been a problem with a lot of brands for awhile...some flavors are very sticky, grape would be, blackberry would be, both.

3. Humidity effects can be a real problem, even with washed tobaccos. Some flavors are susceptible to that, including grape. Blackberry not so much.

Edit: Don't strain the juice out! Important flavor components could be hiding in there. Edited by Sonthert
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