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Lets Talk About Mangos!

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In the market for some mango tobacco.

Bottom line, Layalina is out of the picture. It just ain't great.

Ive had Nakhla mango and its pretty good but i dont want to spend $$ on a big tub of Al Fakher if its not great (cant seem to find the 50g to sample the product).

So its pretty simple, tell me if you prefer Nakhla or Al Fakher mango AND why. Thanks
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If you can find it, Sultan makes some great Mango shisha. Definitely better than Nahkla. Romman's Mango isn't bad, but I can't really tell the difference between Romman flavors. As soon as you open a tub of Sultan Mango, the whole room smells awesome.
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Sultan has a few flavors that are great, Jasmine and Mango, being the only remarkable ones.

Agreed on the rest tasting like crap. But the mango and jasmine are definitely worth a shot.
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Ive tried the Al Waha Mango and it just sucks....

And i definitely do not smoke american shisha (dont ask)

So please, stay on topic. Either Nakhla or Al Fakher

And Chinamon, 50g from alfakheronline is not available yet.
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Alright guys, I have an UPDATE.

I finally had the opportunity to try some AF mango.

Just pretty much like the Nahkla mango but a tad bit sweeter. Its also smoother (always from AF) and lasts much longer.

So in other words, the flavor is ALMOST the same.

Winner for me is now AF.
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