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Im Really Gonna Cry

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So I go my new bowl that they replaced I was happy at first cause its bigger. Then I noticed the bottom lares out and it doesnt even fit my hookah. also it was chipped on the edge of the bowl before it was glazed. So they just glazed over it >_>. I dont even know what to do anymore.
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Hmm, well if it's an Egyptian style bowl, you can expect a lot of imperfections that don't usually impair the functionality of the piece... but there's no reason it shouldn't fit your hookah. What kind of hookah do you have again? What does the bowl look like? Mod bowls (very wide and short) tend to flare out at the bottom and won't fit Mya style stem adapters without layering a few grommets on there.
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Hmm yeah that's a mod bowl... those can fit kinda weird sometimes because of that flare at the bottom. I'm surprised it won't fit on your Egyptian though. I guess contact HC about it again... if they aren't willing to replace it, maybe they can send you a thicker grommets. The thick white rubber grommets (I think they are Chinese) seem to work pretty well with that bowl, but I don't know whether or not HC carries them.
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If its too big try using foil or napkin to wrap around the rubber grommet then put the bowl on and twist gentle. If its too small try taking off your rubber grommet and just using napkin or foil as a grommet instead. Try to think about McGuyver> Good Luck.Peace -Waffle
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I just got my new Amer Khalil Mamoon in the mail today smile.gif and the Egyptian bowl that it came with doesn't even fit on the Hookah with the grommet that came with it. I'm using my phunnel bowl though anyway so I don't really care.
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one problem with the mod bowls is if its wet on the inside or if the rubber grommet gets wet, it wont stay in place. Also, avoid taking the bowl off and blowing through it cuz the juice will go on the grommet as soon as you pull it off and wont allow you to keep it in place again.
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Ugh, those bowls >.< I used an extra strip of tinfoil and wrapped it around both the top of the stem and the bottom of the bowl, did a really good job. You could even take it off and blow through it if you really wanted to.
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