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Tangiers Problem

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I've got a problem with Tangiers, and I need some input! I got about 2KG of random tangiers flavors a week ago. I've let them all acclimate etc, and they smell/taste proper. I'm smoking out of my Mya Diva with a tangiers bowl (tried w/ and w/o scallis mod) using Stargate Finger Coals and a nammor or mya hose. I'm packing the bowl full and using about an inch and a half to 2 inch piece of coal broken in half to heat it over a foil cover.

When I first start out smoking everything is great, amazing flavor, good smoke, slight throat tinglies. About 10-15 min into the session I start to get a massive buzz and the urge to cough after inhaling (I've heard this is normal). Unfortunately about 5 minutes after that the buzz begins to turn into a nauseous feeling/headache. After 20 min or so I usually have to stop smoking because I feel like I'm going to puke or pass out. I'm not smoking it extremely fast, with about 30 seconds or so between pulls.

Anyone have any advice? I'd hate to have to trade away all this delicious shisha sad.gif
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your just experiencing simple nicotine sickness, what it seems like to me. how long have yo ubeen smoking shisha? tangiers has a high nic level, so you gotta be careful if your body isnt used to large amounts of nicotine being accepted into your body. good new is that you don't have to trade away your tangiers. just keep packing your phunnel every day, and smoke for that 20 minutes. leave your hookah set up (dont waste the shisha you packed, 20 minutes burns through like 1/6th of it), and either go back and do another 20 minutes at the end of the day, or the next day. jsut need to build up tolerance to nicotine.

also, btw, the "urge to cough" means that its getting harsh, meaning too much ehat. at that point try taking off a coal or moving the coals to a different part of the bowl.
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There are two threads that solve this. One of them is on how to set up a bowl of Tangiers, I think, and the other on nicotine sickness. As SafeSearch said, the tobacco isn't washed. Try eating beforehand, or, you know, become a chain smoker. Or something. But eating should at least mitigate the nausea a bit.

But find the bowl thread. I think it'll be helpful to get rid of the harshness.
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I suspect it's not just a case of you not being used to the nicotine. That might be part of it, but it's probably not the main problem -- I would suggest that the tobacco isn't smoking up to par, for whatever reason. It shouldn't really be hard to inhale and when it is, I think it's because wayy too much nicotine is being vaporized-- that's where the crazy buzz comes from. Maybe try changing your coals or the way you pack the bowl. I find 3 Kings and Canary Japanese Golden coals to be the best for Tangiers.
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One thing that still has me concerned:

When I first got the Mya Diva, the first day, I smoked multiple bowls of high quality shisha. I used the phunnel bowl w/ mod for all of them. I started with Fumari Mango, smoked it for about an hour, then switched to Starbuzz Blueberry which I smoked for an hour and a half. I think I ended the night with Smiley's Sexy Prickley Pear. For that first day, I had absolutely no problem (I got a nice buzz from the Starbuzz but felt great). At the end of the Smiley's I started to get a little burnt out but never felt nauseous.

Since then I've tried Tangiers which made me nauseous, and Romman earlier today which also made me nauseous. Since the first day I've been cleaning the entire hookah using dish soap and warm water. Because of that first day, I'm starting to think it might be the dish soap that's causing the problem. If there is any soap residue left in the hookah, could it cause this kind of problem?

I'm going to try the Romman again on my other hookah which has not been washed w/ soap and water and see what happens...
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ive never really gotten buzzes from hookah besides my first time and power ripping it (oxygen deprivation)

tangiers is unwashed tobacco, starbuzz washes out the nicotine from the tobacco so its hard to get a buzz from it once youre used to nicotine. i threw up after 2 tangiers bowl my first time...then i mixed for week then straight tangiers and i was good
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Don't use soap.

Romman is also unwashed. Some people are more sensitive to nicotine than others, the same way some people are more sensitive to alcohol or caffeine than others.

It might be too much charcoal, maybe a just a smidge light on the tobacco. Try a little more tobacco, a little less coal and see how that goes. Sometimes, people who acclimate inside their house, but smoke outside get consistently harsh smoke. May not be the case here...
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