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Starbuzz Exotic Coals

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I really want to take PYH up on their Starbuzz deal, considering 100g cans go for $13 at the only local shop that carries them. However, I've had some really bad luck on coals lately. One of my shops stopped carrying Rolland's Japs and replaced them with these nasty Kwikstarts, and it seems Al-Ajdad changed their formula because they come broken up already and ash like no other. So are these coals worth it? Would it be worth it to even try? I've wasted $20 on crappy coals already. Also, what do you think of Blackgrape, Irish Cream, and Lemon Mint for flavors?

On another note, are Stargate Naturals worth $13 a bag? Same extravagant local shop price, but I've heard they're good, and I really miss good sessions. Don't think I can wait for a delivery.

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Coals are really hard to pin down, certain people find flaws with just about every kind of coal there is and you can't please everyone. You really do just have to make a few bad purchases to figure out what you are going to like most and just give each one an honest run. So far I have tried Stargate Finger coals, Jap EZ lights, 3k QL, Rolland QL, Red Kastle Olive Wood Naturals, and Smiley's Coconut shell coals. All of them have their drawbacks and things they excel at. But my reasons why they are excellent may not even come close to your own. For instance, someone did a review saying that Jap EZ lights have almost no smell. However when I use them, they have a slight chemical aroma to them. I have only found 1, maybe 2 reviews about the SB coals and from what I read, the person seemed to enjoy using them, but that doesn't mean you will have the same experience. Trial and Error man. Goodluck.
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Diamante finger coals are by far the best that I have tried out of everything. I have a bag of Smiley's coals sitting here, but havent used them yet....
Hookahcompany sells the Diamante at a pretty good price.

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Okay, I've got a serious distaste now for fingered coals. The local store was just too expensive with their stargates, so I ended up with a kilo of Canary's ($10) from another store. I figured since Canary's make good Japs, their fingers should be good. Well, they're better than Al-Ajdad, but still ash a lot and ash very caky. Now, I'm down $30 with coals I'll hardly use, and I'm afraid to try Diamante and Stargate, in case of a similar experience.

I guess PYH got a great deal with Starbuzz anyways, so I'll prolly just get them. But I really miss my Easy-Lite Japs. I should've just bit the bullet and paid $16 for the box at my shop.
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You finished the Canary's i got for you already? Haha

With naturals, they have to be COMPLETELY glowing red and lightly gray. Otherwise, there will be a soapy taste. Naturals are generally pretty consistent once you get the art down. Since you have an electric stove, it should be relatively easy to light. Just be patient, and it will reward you well.
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