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Small Phunnel Bowl Woes

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So Using a nearly full small phunnel with mod and 2 golden ql broken in halves around the primeter (holes in foil about60 in 2 circles around the edges) ibunt everything in about 15 minutres .... what QL combos do you guys use on a small phunnel??
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i smoke layalina with a small tangiers funnel and mod, i use double layer foil...

I have found that the most important part of getting the bowl to smoke well without burning and still getting clouds is having the tobacco at a relatively low level in the bowl (i.e. using less shisha) and sprinkling it in very loosely...

then i poke A LOT of medium holes, so a shit ton of air flows

and use 3 whole 3kings 40mm two side by side and one on top in a pyramid shape

i experiemented plenty of times and this works best for me...you should try using a smaller amount of shisha and a lot of airflow with high heat


my reasoning is, that if you pack it tight and to the brim then the shisha on top is the only shisha burning, whereas if you have it loosely packed and lower(less, away from heat) then it all burns evenly Edited by NoDeadBodies
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I just got my small phunnel couple days ago as well, I break one Golden coal into thirds and just posiition them around the phunnel and mod, single piece of foil, and it was packed pretty high. I'll post some pics once i get the attatchment thing to work right
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