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J&rhookahs Is Our Old Friend Hookahetc, Again.

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Once again Jimmy thinks we are idiots and comes slinking back in here breaking several rules along the way hiding behind yet another front.

So Long Jimmy! Go back to the other place, they like you there.... rolleyes.gif
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for some reason i thought he was allowed back when all the shit went down with HK and he was talking to everyone in the chat like everything was cool.. guess not..
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ended up buying from him in his store in pearland, tx. charged me no tax and gave me all the stuff (hose, tongs,etc.) for 50 bucks. btw its a 32" egyptian. he said he buys his stuff from the same whosaler that george from HC buys from. pics late on in another thread. Edited by ctsmo
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i personally don't know why he was banned in the first place, it was all a little conditional, wasn't it? i've purchased from Jimmy in the past, and he is a great guy. Everything was well packaged, marked fragil accordingly, and his products are great. He's a great guy too, always looking to please the customer. Great prices, too.

I believe one of the conditions of his ban was that he was plugging his wares in threads of "what should I buy", right? Call me crazy, but I see Hookah-Life doing that all the time. He links to other sites, but he links hookah-life first, and mentions the discount, every time. And he always reccomends a product which Hookah-Life happens to sell.

I am in no way attacking the good people at Hookah-Life at all, nor the mods and their discretion. I'm just voicing my observations. Also, I am in no way shape or form associated with Jimmy, Hookahetc, JandRhookahs, or any of his retailing reps. Just a customer.
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if he was first banned for plugging his own site other vendors do the same thing. i have seen HL do it and it also appears he is doing it by pm's ("proof" below) to avoid the mods seeing it. the reason i say it is to avoid mods seeing it is why pm that when he used to post it? only reason would be due to this exact topic so he is taking precautions to avoid a ban by you not seeing it. why is it then ok for HL to plug his site in topics and in pm's yet this other guy gets banned for it.

there may be another reason but if what was said above is true then there really is no reason for a ban as long as he keeps it in check.


http://www.hookah-life.com/StoreBox/elnakhla.htm I think i'm going to get some from there, i got a pm from that guy..
Edited by boomhauer
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Vriefly. and this is not open to discussion.
Jimmy, as Hookahetc, pushed his wares everywhere and at every oppertunity. He was warned several times and continued to do it. He was vacationed then banned. He then signed on under a new name and started the same crap, we tracked and banned him again. He then came back as a 3rd account, though claiming it was his cousin or some such helping him out and did the pushing products a 3rd time, was banned, created another account to say the last one wasn't really him, was banned, and now hes back AGAIN, like nothing happened, pushing his stuff for i believe the 5th time with different accounts.

He wore out his welcome and continued to violate one of the rules by creating new accounts to bypass a suspension and ban.

If others are doign the same and the mods are missing it, let us know, we arent everywhere at once. If you get a pm pushing stuff, foreward it to the mods, we'll deal with it, but we have to KNOW about it first.

Jimmy is banned, anything he is involved with is banned, and nothing he does will bring him back, including an e-mail sent to me whining about how he did nothing wrong, several challanges, and telling me I'm immature and less than a man, if I disagree with him. So, I say once again. He's gone. You want to buy from him, fine, but if he pops back in, or one of you decides to push his stuff for him as has happened in the past, you'll find you'll be treated the same way.

Next crisis?
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sorry to create such a fuss, did not really mean for it to get out of hand, just making my personal observations known. as for other vendors plugging their goods in "what do i buy" threads and PM plugging as well, I'll PM the mods every instance i see...
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