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Wierd Taste When Smoking

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Well, yesterday i was smoking my hookah that I just bought. After about ten minutes of smoking, the smoke isnt thick and it is very strong everyone that smokes won't stop smoking. I also wanna make the smoke a lot thicker. Also when im smoking it feels as though drops of water or of flavor are dropping into my mouth.

Please halp...THANKS
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if you blow thru your hose when you take it out of the hookah and water comes out you have or may have too much water in the base...also, dont PACK your shisha down HARD...make it very loose even stab it with a paper clip to perferate it...what may be happening is that for the first ten minutes the top is being cooked then it starts to burn and thats all your tasting..

so try

less water in base

dont pack your bowl so tight/dont use as much shisha

and also keep those coals rotating.

hope that helps
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clean your hookah, clean your hose (or get a washable), dry your hose, make sure the water level is right, CHECK OUT THE FAQ, look at the pics there.. it will help
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Acclimate your tobacco too. If you don't acclimate it to the air you'll be smoking it in, it'll taste like baking tobacco and that is god awful.

Open the package your tobacco is in and let it sit in the same environment that you smoke it and every 15 min of so, break up the shisha and mix it up. Let it do so for 3 - 24 hours. However long you want to.
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