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Natural Coals

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What brand coals do you have?

If its those natural wood chip ones, they need to be under consistent heat (fire) for like 15 minutes because they are so dense. Then you have to use them immediately or they will pretty much go out. There are better natural coals that dont give off any taste. This specific type is a pain in the ass.

edit- spelling Edited by racemyghost
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I've never had that problem with my Al Ajad's.

Try throwing them on a stove or hot plate for about 5-7 minutes, till they're red throughout.

Let us know the brand, then we should be able to help you out more
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what coals are you using? i used to think that that was happening when i first started using nours but then i realized it was just because it ashes very quickly so i couldnt see the red under hte thin layer of ash. when lighting nours i light 1 full side, like half of it.
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If you put the coal on the bowl when its only reddish-orange or red, it will go out, it has be bright orange yellow and showing a nice dust of ash on it to tell you its ready. I would also avoid using lighter fluid, although it probably cooks off fairly quickly. All coals have a flavor, one way or another, natural coals more than most in fact, its just what you're used to. It's what you expect, so everything else tastes funky.
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