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Ordering Questions

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Hey everyone, I'm new to the site, but I've been smoking hookah for about a year and a half now. I haven't done too much research on alternative bowls and such, and that's why I'm here.

I was wondering what site to order those phunnel bowls from?
I also see a lot of folks talking about glass mods and such and would like a rundown on those if possible. (how to get, how to use, etc...)

Thanks in advance biggrin.gif
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Hello Sara phunnel bowls are available at Mnhookah.com as well as hookah company

As for the mod I personally use it and it allows you to pull air through the tobacco before down your hookah because with the phunnel without the mod it is possible to draw air through the pipe without it going through the tobacco first
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Yeah, I checked those out, HC is my usual tangiers ordering spot. They don't have any of the medium in stock. I am usually a social smoker with a small group of others, so would the small be enough for 3-4 people? Or should I find another place to get the medium?

I see... I saw the Smiley one on HC now, thanks!! They seem to be pretty useful, the bowl/mod combo.
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