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Triplo Pipes (smoking From 3 Shisha's At Once)

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interesting idea. but can you imagine how much of a bitch that would be to set up every time you wanted a smoke? i'm a pretty patient guy, but hot damn. that would take to much time for me.
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I hope that person was just acting that stupid because That guy was so annoying i couldn't take more than 1 minute and a half of that video i just skipped to look at the setup....the idea seems pretty dumb honestly... i bet you anything the pull is a lot tougher, plus did you see those weak ass clouds? Ive seen more smoke from a cig. waste of time
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Hmm, I spy a KM hose... As for watching idiots, all I need to do is turn around and look across the room. The conversation now is go-carts that go 80 mph.
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