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Big Shipment

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Have yet to post but been perusing this forum for the last oh year and a half or so. Recently made some large purchases around including a new Mya hookah from Hookah-shisha along with a select few tangiers and romman flavors (the latter of which were samples that came along with the hookah =P) and now just waiting for those babies to get shipped and arrive. Then my first purchase ever from MN Hookah. Havent gotten the order yet but they were extremely fast at shipping so that was a plus, some fumari flavors and a starbuzz can or two along with the funnel bowl. Meaning now Im impatiently awaiting the arrival of a week/weekend of fun.

As an odd side note that funnel bowl has inspired in me thoughts of trying to make a honey shisha here at home. Ive got an idea from around of tobacco type and the other various ingredients Ill need like the glycerine. But my main thought was that the phunnel will allow me to have a honey shisha that I dont have to worry about any of it escaping down the pipe. What also intrigued me was the variety of honeys I can try, from my typical clover which I can get around here (Colorado) very easily to a much darker and flavorful buckwheat honey which is harder to find but I think will maybe give me the best chance at having something I really enjoy. Making this honey one will be a weekend of fun lol, and hopefully wont make a sticky mess of my hookah =/.

Maint point though has been that this forum has been key in finding new flavors and accessories over this last year or so. Incredibly helpful to go through the reviews and the posts of difficulties and solutions here in the general chat. For instance if it wasnt for this site I doubt Id ever would have tried some of these random brands like Starbuzz and Al Fakher which are currently my top brands. So thanks and keep up the posts of your hardships and times of absolute "OMG this is the best set up ever" type posts. There are many very apreciative people Im sure besides me =)
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