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Witches Or Hobos?

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Has anybody actually used both of these bottle adapter hookahs?

I've heard a little about the HoboHookah, but nothing of the Witch.

The HoboHookah: $59.99
- Its comes with a nalgene bottle and a carrying sack.
- It looks less topheavy

The Witch: $18
- Comes with a bottle suction holder
- Looks classier
- Has a tray
- Only $18

- 2 different bottle mouth adapters
- Hoses
- Tongs

Now, i don't know how either of them hit, how easy the Witch is to set up, or how completely durable they are, because frankly there are no reviews and the only way to tell is through Vendor Description.

So, here's some questions..
1. Can the Witch support a different type of bowl? Say.. a Tangiers?
2. Are both Products hoses washable?
3. Can either support two hoses?

Please help me. smile.gif Edited by ZenSilk
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A couple people on the board now should have Hobos (either today or tomorrow), so Ill leave the subjective to them.

I do own both products, and I can handle some of the technical questions:

1) The Witch will work with other bowls. Haven't tried Phunnels (I can take a look) but almost as bowls should work (same with Hobo; I was smoking a phunnel tonight in fact)

2) Both hoses are washable. Hobo has a more traditional washable style hose (like Mya), while the Witch has a rubber hose. The Witch's hose tastes funky, but (according to SafeSearch and a couple other people) after thorough washing it goes away.

3) I don't think the witch supports a double hose and I know the Hobo doesn't. Im going to throw up a modding Youtube vid on how to Mod your Hobo for a second hose. Modding for a second hose isn't terribly easy, but for anyone who is into modding, you can do it with stuff you find at Home Depot (or online), and end up with a finished, clean product. I do this for Hookah Bars that want Hobos with 2 hoses.

As for the adapters: The Witch is best on smaller bottles, and works on some larger ones. The Hobo doesn't work on small bottles (like beer bottles) but works on almost all liquor bottles (including some big ones that the Witch wont work on). The Hobo will also work will being slid into the mouths of bottles (like some hookah vases, or say a wine cask).

Let me know where you are located, maybe I can point you in a direction to see/feel/try out the Hobo in person. Its really a great pipe.
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  • 2 months later...
Ive smoked tangiers from a hobo, with the tangiers bowl and everything, it fits. The hobo is great. =]
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  • 2 weeks later...
We finally got a hypnotiq bottle for my friends hobo, works great. My biggest tip for people buying the hobo is choose a bottle with a very large, solid bottom on it. We had bad luck with standard wine-ish bottles, easy to tip. The Jagermeister bottle is great, because it has a square bottom.
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