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Tangiers Desert Acclimation

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Hmm, so i live in Utah, and i will be smoking my Tangiers outside in my backyard watching the beautiful Utah sunset nearly every night. So should i acclimate my Tangiers to the outside temperature? It is very dry and hot here, about 85-95 everyday, and no humidity, so would my shisha be alright out in the heat for 4 hours? I don't want to ruin a great batch.
Or should i acclimate it to the indoor temperature of about 68?

I only ask because i heard excessive heat ruins shisha. The indoor and outdoor temp. have a pretty significant difference, so i want to be absolutely sure.
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Maybe. But there is also the pronlem of insects. Bees. And wasps. They swarm my house because of all our flowering plants. And i can exactly find a place that doesnt have flowers near it. myabe it can be put under a drywall bucket?
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I mean, if it is stored in an airtight container, then would i need to worry about re-acclimating it? The air from the outside would still be inside the container. And if it's the humidity, none would escape and none would enter, only the temp. would change. Correct me if i am mistaken.
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Most insects won't go anywhere near nicotinated tobacco...washed honey-based tobaccos beware.

I would acclimate it near where I was going to be smoking it. Heat (upto around 120F I would think) doesn't damage Tangiers...unless you're putting it in the oven at 350F or leaving it open for 6 months or so. Its been 100F in the lounge the past week and everything is smoking pretty good...not excellent, but good.
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