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Found The Buzz In Starbuzz.....

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Okay, last Sunday I was smoking off an on all day. Washed, no buzz going on. I wanted a small bowl to finish up, so I dumped hot shisha out of my small regular egyptian bowl I almost never use and repacked it while it was still hot. As it, "ew, ouch, ouch....." hot. Lit it up and in about 4 hits it knocked me on my butt. And the clouds and flavor were amazing. So I was trying to think about how that bowl was so strong when all the others off and all through the day had been okay, but nothing to write home about. The only thing I'd done differently was pack a bowl that was still really hot from the last smoke. But you know shit happens now and then and I'd been smoking off and on all day, so I figured I had plenty of nicotine in my system. But just in case, I thought I'd try smoking my very first bowl tonight after heating the bowl first. Same Starbuzz mango, dinner about an hour ago, well hydrated, room temp tap water in the base - everything exactly as before except it being my first bowl.

Same result. The thickest clouds, great flavor, and feeling a definite buzz - maybe the third strongest buzz I've ever gotten off any shisha. Even Tangiers. And the bowl wasn't even quite as hot as the last time because I was only running hot tap water through it to heat it. I'm guessing the hot bowl starts cooking the shisha and releasing more nicotine immediately.

Anybody else ever have this happen? If not somebody else please try it and see if you get the same result. I'll try it again myself, but next time heating it even hotter first. Maybe letting it sit in water I've just brought to a boil, or maybe microwaving the bowl if that will heat it. I'm very interested to hear what others might have to say.

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That has happen to me before. I never really put any thought into. Everytime I light up a new bowl I throw an extra piece of QL coal on it to heat up my bowl. After it goes out I go back to the naturals. The extra coal is to heat up my bowl while the natural smoke the shisha.
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starbuzz is the shit, ive only had the lemon mint. like it got my lightheaded like never before. as for the thickest i agree with you. its sweet stuff. what i like most about the starbuzz is, that it outlasts my coals. like i use a really small pumpkin hookah with a tiny bowl. and usually the shisha dies before the coal. but not starbuzz!!
its sweet stuff, i love it, im going to order hella more! i love the flavor and thickness. its great for smoking with first timers, and with many people. since the flavor is huge impact, people leave my little hookah going "whoooa son!"

its good!
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QUOTE (Bryantos @ Sep 9 2007, 08:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hrm, just out of curiosity, what kind of coals do you use and how many?

3 Kings mostly (and in both these circumstances) and only one coal - whole. I thought about CO2, but I've been hit by CO2 before. The giddyness fades very quickly when you're out of it and getting oxygen. This buzz lasted for a couple hours. And I did step out of the room several times out on my porch for some deep breaths because I was trying to clear my head since I don't actually like a buzz. Didn't work.

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I tryed this technique...except i put the base and stem and bowl with out any shisha in the freezer.....heated the shisha (with the amount that fits the bowl) in the microwave and used jap coals on a phunnel bowl with mod....best smoke i have ever seen out of my hafa and great flavor!!
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