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could be. if you set the whole thing up and are pulling air but dont produce any bubbles it means either the downstem isnt under the water or you are getting air in from some other place. if the rig is airtight the only way to pull air through the hose would be from the downstem and that would make bubbles.
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Set up the hookah like you would for a session but dont prepare a bowl. Put you hand over the part where the bowl should be and close it off. Suck in from the hose and make sure there is a vacuum suction on your hand. If there isn't, there is a pretty significant leak somewhere. Check and see if there's a ball bearing inside the purge valve.
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Hmmmm.... ball in the purge valve and everything...

Let me think this over....

Try inhaling air directly from the port. It may be possible that a weld gave way near or around the port. Edited by MechAnt
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Take the bowl off, put your hand over the top of the stem and suck.
Listen for leaks along the stem.
Also I noticed you have no hose grommet!
You should have grommets where your hose and bowl attach to your stem.
If you don't have any, use a paper towel strip so you get a snug fit.
Water level seems a bit high. Stem shouldn't be covered with more than 2 inches.
Is there airflow and no bubbles?
Could be a broken stem.
Plug the bottom of the stem and blow into it. That should be airtight.
I think the problem is in the stem unless you have a faulty hose.
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