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Some Tangiers Pointers.

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So right now I'm smoking a bowl of Tangiers cool strawberry and blueberry mix. It's what's left over from a smoke I had at the beginning of the week. I'm using a bunch of smaller easy lite pieces that I put out when I finished smoking the other day. I'm getting huge clouds and no harshness. I used to have some trouble smoking Tangiers when I didn't really know how to set it up. Basically what always worked for me was to smoke through the "harshness". By the second set of coals it really smoothes out, just got to give it some time. Try that out and see if it helps. Funnel bowl by the way. If it's way to harsh just let the coals burn out and try the same bowl the next day. Not the best way, but it might work for some of you who have trouble.
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