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Is There Anything I Should Do Diiferent When Mixing Flavors?

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I'd say if you know ahead of time a mix you want to try, mix them ahead of time and let them sit. The longer they have to meld the better combination flavour you'll get, vs 2 distinct flavours coming out depending on which pocket of tobacco you happen to be hitting.

As long as you are mixing the same brands heat management should be the same, its when you mix tobaccos that take different heat levels you have to be more careful. This is all in my personal experience and here at the bar.
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Sometimes I like to mix them right before I smoke, and have it barely mixed, or put one layer of one flavor and a second layer of another. This way a session starts with one flavor and slowly moves into a differant one. Keeps the session interesting. Its all how you want to do it. This doesn;t work for tobaccos that need way differant amounts of heat, like nakhla and rommans. I would also sugest always trying a flavor several times before mixing it so you can figure out exactly what it needs in terms of heat, as well as knowing the flavor well enough to get a good idea of what it will mix with. I have also heard it said that mixing shishas with the same "base," like honey, mollasses, or corn syrup is best.
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