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Tangiers Tobacco Is Too Harsh To Smoke!

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If anyone wants to PM and deal with it on a case by case basis, feel free. Here are some reposted pictures of me packing a standard bowl:


Two other problems that people have is:

1. They drain off and discard the juice in the tobacco when transferring it from the bag. It will always smoke poorly then...it is ruined.
2. Along similar lines, fresh packages of tobacco that smoke well and then get worse throughout can often be attributed to not enough stirring or a perpetual problem in the environment...household humidifiers running on and off, etc.

The biggest problem is always 1. Too little tobacco.
The second biggest is, too much charcoal and the third is too few a holes in the foil. People with screens never have this problem. Edited by Sonthert
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i got some tangiers passion a few months ago, smoked it the day i got it..and it was mega harsh..
then one evening i bumped into Mr Tangier's himself in the chat room. I picked his brain on how to smoke it..took note of all his instructions.
well finally yesterday i plucked up the courage to try it again.. and i tell you what..it was GOOD!

not harsh at all, good clouds..and damn good flavour, and a nice buzz.. not a killer buzz, like i was expecting..but a really nice buzz
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