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Has Anyone Tried Using Fruit As A Flavor Bowl

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this is fairly popular in dubai.. the place i frequent offers apple + pineapple bowls.. pineapple for 50 and apple for ~45 aed (roughly 13 dollars)

the pineapple doesn't add any flavor, but only serves as a giant bowl.. the pineapple is by far my favorite and when i go out thats all i get... you can usually place 10 or so large chunks of natural coals on them.

as for the apple, for the first 15 minutes or so.. it can add the apple flavor.. i find the sour green apples to be the best.. but the flavor disappears quickly.. and the bowl doesn't last a long time.. and gets soft after a good 45 minutes.
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forgot to mention.. the sheraton in jumeriah beach residence offers a 150 dirham watermelon shisha.. what they do is use a pineapple for a bowl.. and plug the bowl into a watermelon thats placed on a stand. the shisha hose and stem both plug into the watermelon which is filled with watermelon juice.

have yet to try it.
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I tried replicating the Apple Bowl, and mine was pretty ugly, but it was definitely functional, and you could taste a slight difference and looked awesome..

It's definitely something interesting to do. I just happened to smoke Al-Waha double apple which come to find out is practically liquorice.. Gross.
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