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Your First Smoke

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Ahh... ACen (Anime Central) 2006, Rosemont Ill, Saturday night. There was going to be some sort of techno dance thing that my fellow nerds kept calling a rave, and my friend and I were en route to checking out the line to get in, when I noticed this huge cloud of smoke in the sheltered entranceway to the hotel. We went over and I just about died as I'd never seen a hookah before. Overly excited, I tried to grab my camera and take a picture, but ended up taking a picture of the stupid smokey ceiling angry.gif We sat there a looooong time (mostly because I didn't want to go) biggrin.gif

Pic of the Hookah Guys' humble beginning. I think the girl with the red hair on the left is me, but I'm not sure. I just remember some guy irritating me until this guy with mekkup came and sat down... wub.gif

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