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Smileys Sexy Shisha = No Smiling Here

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So right before I became inactive in the forum due to work and school this new product came out during that time...smileys sexy shisha. I never got a chance to try it because my life caught up on me and smoking hookah became a once in a while thing. After coming back a month ago I decided to order Smileys sexy shisha long after it almost disapeared from the forum (and planet). People told me not to get it but I like trying new products out and reviewing them (expect a review in the next few days)

I got a small jar at Mnhookah for $9.95. The price alone is absurd (well if it was really good it might be worth it). I got Blackberry. I'm not sure if I've tried blackberry with other brands but after opening the jar I could not smell any blackberry in it. It smelled like Glycerin if anything. It had a very fine cut and it was the most juicy shisha I have ever seen. I think 20% of the jar is liquid alone.

I set up on a standard Mya bowl and lit the coal up. Smoked on first puff... but where's the flavor? It's been 20 minutes since I started and still no taste of blackberry whats so ever. It's smoking pretty good, reminds me of Starbuzz smoke but no flavor at all. Just tons of flavorless smoke coming from my mouth. Whats the fun in that? At 10 bucks for 150g I'm very disapointed.

Maybe when OPD brings this back in to the market it will be a better product. Until then I'm not buying any more of this. For now I will try it our one more time before reviewing it and the rest will be mixed with other shisha.
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OPD is no longer associated with Smiley. There is no-one selling or distribution smileys except perhaps MN. and You'll have to ask them if they are still gettin gin new shipments.

Smiley has pulled himself into his shell...which is kinda too bad cause he was a nice guy, and his tobacco, when it was done right, was gret stuff.

I suggest adding your own flavouring to the "unflavoured" base you have...make your own custom shisha.
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so smileys shisha will be no more? damn sucks. it looks like it really had potential and i'm saying that from getting a batch with no flavor
back to the flavor. How would you go by doing that? Edited by RayVer
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You can buy it from Smiley's Lounge, they fedex it to you. I got a fresh batch. The Wedding Cake had flavor for the first 10 minutes of the smoke, and it was great, i'd love to see wedding cake by a starbuzz or tonic, but after that forst time, t it went dead. My PP was still good when i sent it to iamscott, i hope it stays good for him. My Horchata is alright now still. it's been about a month since i ordered.
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The smiley's wedding cake was good to me too, I got it on trade though, I wouldnt pay the price they want for it. The only starbuzz I have tried was some Blueberry that I got on trade. While the smoke was good, it tasted like nothing. I was very very dissapointed in the taste, but liked the smoke.
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