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Have A Problem, Looking For The Answer

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ok I just got my Bambino yesterday and it looks damn good. I packed a bowl of al fakaer (excuse my spelling) gold line strawberry in the ceramic bowl that it came with. I used natural finger coals. the smoke was harsh and thin. My first thought would be that the smaller hookah has less time for the smoke to clear. Next bowl i loaded it with ice (ALOT of ice) same thing...

I've been hookah'n for about 2 years, so this is some remedies i thought up.

Diffuser + extened "stem"
vinal tube connected to the end of the stem that extend to the bottom of my base, and makes a circulare pattern along the inside of the bottom of the bambino vase. with a bunch of small holes in the tubing for.

A phunnel + GLass scalli mod
Not to sure about these, been reading alot about it, but still unclear
*have some questions:
Is the phunnel with the glass scalli mod good for non tangiers shishsa?
would a small phunnel or a medium be more suitable for my bambino,
Can i achieve the same "bliss like" experience from a phunnel from a regular ceramic bowl.
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Another session, same deal.

I added a diffuser to it that pretty much extends all the way to the bottom. bubbles were smaller, but smoke was still harsh.

I added a sh!tload of ice. the smoke honestly felt colder, but the smoke was really harsh on my throat.


As previously stated more coals in a smaller hookah = more heat.
Hole pattern - maybe too little holes, not sure what a happy medium is for small hookahs
The strawberry shisha may just be a harsher flavor. smoke was cool, but the nicotine may be harsh. also the shisha wasnt burnt aftwards, a small bit of the top layer, but that was it.


I would assume to use less coals, but less coals = less heat = harder time to get good smoke
-maybe a source of more indirect heat, with small amounts of coals Ex. windcover?

Hole pattern? More holes or less holes? and any particular patern i should follow?

Shisha - maybe mixing in a lighter flavor (Ex. vanilla)

Juices? - i heard juices slow the travel of the bubble, is this true, or does it just add flavor to the air = tastier smoke

new bowl? - been reading alot about the phunnel, i like the notion of keeping the juices, but would th esuper chief or the phunnel be better with non tangiers? also is th emod nessecary? Edited by philipn376
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I had the Bambino (and lost it last week after just buying it three weeks before that!!!) and came across the same problem.

To fix it, I just used double foil, made bigger holes around evenly but much less (around 15), and most importantly, changed the bowl. The bowl that comes with it is the worst I've used so I had to get another traditional glazed bowl for $3 in a local market. Doing those things made the smoke a lot smoother. Edited by Gaara
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I htink it's just you have tooo much coal. You said that it takes a while to get good smoke. Yes, that's true, it takes a while to get good smoke because the bowl itself needs to warm up as well. A windcover helps quite a bit with this. I wouldn't buy a phunnel until you get normal bowls down. Phunnels are much different especially with a Mod added.
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Like Gaara already said, double foil. It takes a little longer to get started, but it can do wonders of not overheating your shisha and make heat management a lot easier. Other than that, try packing your bowl a little lower, or use a bowl you've had good sessions with on your other hookah.
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