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Tried a small hookah?

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Dan.....I'm using a 17" Sultan hookah that I picked-up locally for
$40.  It hits just fine.  I get lots of smoke,  it's
small enough to place on my desk next to my keyboard,  and it's
very easy to clean.

I HIGHLY-RECCOMMEND starting-off with an inexpensive small
hookah.  It would be a great way to introduce yourself to hookah
smoking,  and plus you'll be able to save the rest of your cash
for ma'assel ( hookah tobacco ).

If this is your first time,  I wouldn't reccommend getting a
regular Egyptian hookah because you're going to have to deal with
rubber grommets that connect the metal stem to the glass vase. 
Also,  I would avoid getting that tiny stainless steel pipe that
you linked us to.  It's just too small,  and you're not going
to be able to see how much water you're adding.

If I were you,  I'd spend a few extra bucks and get yourself a good Acrylic Hookah like the kind you'll find at:


These hookahs are airtight because the stem screws directly into the
acrylic vase. It's completely airtight.  These hookahs aren't made
in China like some of the cheaper acrylic hookahs you'll find out there
online,  MYA SARAY'S Acrylic Hookahs have been designed
exclusively for Mya Saray,  and they're beautiful,  and very

There is another hookah out there that you could consider.  It's called The Dragon. And you can buy it at: 

www.SaharaSmoke.com/store/catalogue/Dragon_Hookah_p_16329. html

This is supposed to be an excellent hookah,  according to certain
members of the forum.  Plus,  it's one of the least expensive
hookahs you'll find on the internet that are actually very high
quality.  And it looks nice.
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Acrylic is not the same as plastic,  you won't get any plastic
taste whatsoever.  I know because I owned an acrylic hookah
several months ago.

Once again,  I suggest MYA SARAY because they have the HIGHEST quality acrylic hookahs available anywhere.
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i just got a small 17" off of e-bay. the coal tongs have sultan stamped on them and i am assuming the hookah itself is a sultan to. it is allot better made than my other 2 pipes and easier to take with me. here is a link of one on e-bay that i got from the same person with shipping it was 30.98 and i got it in about a week.
[url="http://cgi.ebay.com/HOOKAH-17-1-hose-red-glass-hooka-shisha-collectible_W0QQitemZ5413550191QQcategoryZ596QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.com/HOOKAH-17-1-hose-red-glass-hooka-shisha- collectible_W0QQitemZ5413550191QQcategoryZ596QQrdZ1QQcmdZVie wItem://http://cgi.ebay.com/HOOKAH-17-1-hos...QQcmdZVie wItem://http://cgi.ebay.com/HOOKAH-17-1-hos...QQcmdZVie wItem://http://cgi.ebay.com/HOOKAH-17-1-hos...QQcmdZVie wItem://http://cgi.ebay.com/HOOKAH-17-1-hos...QQcmdZVie wItem://http://cgi.ebay.com/HOOKAH-17-1-hos...QQcmdZVie wItem[/url]
i think it was a good deal. i got a carrying case off of www.hookah-shisha.com for 8 bucks for it and they have a deal going on now, if your on their mailing list, if you spend 50 you get 2 free 50g packs of romman. they also have a coupon for $10 off any hookah purchase. i think their prices are a bit high but with the coupons and the fact they don't gank you on shipping it works out.
if you are going to be taking your hookah with you to your friends place, etc. i would suggest getting a smaller one. my 2 34" pipes are nice but they are a real pain in the ass to lug around.
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Guest www.genuinehookahs.com
i know this is going to seem like an advertising post, but the mya site and all the rest ive encountered who sell acrylics really overcharge on the acrylics.  I'm selling those identical mya acrylics you linked me to for about half the price, and still making a damn good profit on them. 
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Yep,  brother812,  that's a Sultan Hookah.  It's exactly
what I'm smoking out of now. But,  it gets back to the problem of
the rubber grommets,  especially with the cheap Sultans. 
When the grommet wears out,  and it happens fairly quickly because
they're SO cheap,  you'll have to order a new grommet.  I
don't know where to order new grommets for the Sultan
Hookah. They're very small,  and they have a unique
ribbon around the side walls of the grommet.  Once that ribbon
wears-out, the hookah is no longer airtight,  and
you're going to have to locate and purchase a new grommet.  When
that grommet wears-out,  keeping this hookah airtight is no longer

Hey,  genuinehookah,  I agree that Mya is over-priced, 
but they're hookahs are very high-quality,  and I believe they're
made right here in the United States,  as compared to the cheaper
ones that are made in China in sweat factories.  Are your hookahs
made in China or the United States?
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Nevermind,  I went to your website and noticed they were imported
from Egypt.  I still think that MYA offers a better variety of
acrylic hookahs than GenuineHookahs,  but GenuineHookahs are
cheaper and probably more in your price range.  And they're pretty
nice looking.  I suppose,  considering GenuineHookahs prices
are less than half of MYA's prices,  and considering you're a
newbie hookah smoker,  GenuineHookah's acrylics would be the way
to go.  Because,  if you find that you like hookah
smoking,  it won't be such a MAJOR investment to upgrade from the
GenuineHookah as it would from the MYA SARAY.

Frankly,  if I was making a decision to buy a new acrylic
hookah,  I personally would go with a Mya Saray acrylic, 
because they're known for their High-Quality products. But,  I
don't need to save money.  If you're on a MAJOR budget,  then
go for the GenuineHookah.  I know nothing about their
company,  and for all I know their hookahs could be cheap pieces
of junk.  No offense to GenuineHookahs.  But, 
like I said,  you're taking a chance when you buy cheap.  MYA
has an AWESOME reputation for Customer Service & Quality
Products,  and they've got a VAST array of different sized and
colored hookahs. 

The choice is yours 
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Guest www.genuinehookahs.com
no offense taken, i completely agree with you.  We import the Mya hookahs at such a large quantity that we could afford to sell them this cheap.  Our resellers around our area sell the hookahs for double as well.  Crazy stuff
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brother812 brought something to my attention in a PM.  It's the
possibility that MYA SARAY might import their Acrylic Hookahs.  He
could be right about that.

I apologise for making it sound like Buying American is the BEST way to
go.  In all honesty,  buying American is quite expensive if
you look at most products out there. The reason I sh*t on the
Chinese-made Acrylic Hookahs was because I owned one in the past. 
I'm pretty sure I bought it from Hookah-Shisha........Yep,  I'm
certain,  I remember talking to Sami Romman (owner of
Hookah-Shisha) and he said that if I was a new Hookah Smoker,  it
would be best to buy the one hose Odyssee Acrylic Hookah.  The
problem was that when it arrived and I took it out of the box,  I
instantly noticed what a cheap piece of crap it was,  and on the
bottom it said, "Made In China".

Anyway,  I don't know for a fact whether or not the MYA's are
imported.  What I DO know,  because the owner of MYA SARAY
posted in a thread last year that they personally designed their
Acrylic Hookahs and the hookahs are made exclusively for MYA
SARAY.  They said that the hookahs are NOT made in China. 
Where they're made,  I don't remember.  Maybe GenuineHookahs
can chime in and tell us where they're made,  since they sell MYA
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[quote name='Mathazar']Yep,  brother812,  that's a Sultan Hookah.  It's exactly what I'm smoking out of now. But,  it gets back to the problem of the rubber grommets,  especially with the cheap Sultans.  When the grommet wears out,  and it happens fairly quickly because they're SO cheap,  you'll have to order a new grommet.  I don't know where to order new grommets for the Sultan Hookah. They're very small,  and they have a unique ribbon around the side walls of the grommet.  Once that ribbon wears-out, the hookah is no longer airtight,  and you're going to have to locate and purchase a new grommet.  When that grommet wears-out,  keeping this hookah airtight is no longer possible.[/quote]
bro if it lasts you 6 months it would probably last the normal smoker 6 years. 10-15 bowls a day will wear out the best hookah on the market fairly fast . actually i did notice the grommet for the base with the ribbon on it was already getting worn but that will be easily fixed with a O-ring or 2. another thing i noticed is when fitting the base to the shaft it fits very tightly. i know it sounds odd but a small dab of KY jelly will keep your grommet from wearing out so fast and wont effect the smoke at all. i figured it has been helping big things get in small holes for years it should work with this too.
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Hey so I think I might go with the Dragon, it is small, looks really nice, and sounds like it has gotten great reviews... has anyone reading this ever used it?  I will search the posts, but it would be more convenient if you could post your experience with it right here...
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[quote name='www.genuinehookahs.com']no offense taken, i completely agree with
you.  We import the Mya hookahs at such a large quantity that we
could afford to sell them this cheap.  Our resellers around our
area sell the hookahs for double as well.  Crazy stuff[/quote]

I figured that was the case. I made this assumption in a previous post
about 10 minutes ago for a person buying a crystal one and it looked
verry similar to mya and it was for 40 bucks cheaper.
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