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Tobaccoless Shisha

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When i was milling around the net looking for my hookah, i vaugely remember seeing something about tobaccoless shisha, the thought intrigued me and was wondering if anyone knew anything about it. my old highschool is a tobacoless campus, and i visit often, and was thinking i could get some of this and share it with some of my friends and not get in trouble. also i figure if I ever have kids, i want them to think for themselves on smoking, so if they ever want to try it befor they are 18 I might be able to get this kinda stuff for em
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It's Soex.

Even though it's not tobacco, it's still harmful to your health. Any form of smoking is bad for you.

And no, you can't take it to your high school either. Smoking anything on school premises isn't allowed anywhere in the US as far as I'm concerned; especially at the high school level.
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I have tried both of the herbal shishas, I think that the SOEX had better flavor (from what I remember, its been a while). But both felt like smoking an air freshener, sounds bad but there just wasnt any substance to the smoke.
In the way of taking it to a high school, even if it isnt tobacco I personally wouldnt take it. You would be asking the teachers to ask alot of questions, depending where you would be smoking it on campus. Just my 2 cents.
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