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AF cherry vs Al Amir CHerry

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Sorry for sort of double posting this but I am going in 2 days and really wanted to get right to the point with a new thread entirely...
I don't need to buy 2 250g packs of CHerry flavored ma'ssel so the decision is between AF Cherry which I have smoked and LOVED and Al Amir Cherry which I have heard fantastic things about...I can get the AF for 10.99 and the Al Amir for 8.99....
Has anyone who has tried BOTH of these cherry flavors recommend one highly over the other??
ALso, is AF regular Apple worth buying for 10.99 having never tried it?  if it has NO licorice flavor and is just a candy apple red apple type of flavor, then I will love it....I am not a huge apple ma'assel fan usually, but I haven't found one that I love except for GS AF esk which as ppl know is more of a greenish, crisp apple flavor.  Should I just pick this up and trust the reviews or is it a type of flavor you guys would recommend trying a sample or a 50g first?  I remember King Mo's (i think...) great quote: "I'd rather smoke AF apple than actually eat apples!" LOL!
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AF apple is pretty yummy. It seems to be a red apple, but kinda like an apple pie with some cinnamon sprinkled on top. No, not a double apple kind of spice but like apple preserves.
Hold on, I'll find the link.
MR Bubble
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Here you go. Some reviews I did a while back. You will find it close to the bottom of the page.
[url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1298&PN=3"] [url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1298&PN"]http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=1298&PN[/url][/url] =3
MR Bubble
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thanks bubble!  I am unsure about the AF apple...however your review of Al Amir cherry below that now makes me question things...I may just stick to the AF cherry since I know I really like it....but if someone can convince me otherwise, I am still open-minded to getting the al-amir!
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Problem is this place only sells 250g boxes I think....
That's why I sort of want to pick one cherry or the other...Anyone have an opinion al amir vs AF cherry? 
Hey Cypress, I may just take ya up on that :) --thanks for the offer!  have you tried it and love it?  I'll let you know what I do on Saturday...
Speaking of which, I don't have THAT much cash but for the most part, I'd be willing to pick up a couple boxes of the 250g AF for $10.99 in case anyone wants em and I can then ship them to you when I get to CT....Anyone interested?  No promises, but I can try.
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Haven't posted in a while, been rather busy I'm afraid.
here's my two penny's, or two cents worth.
Apple fakher is one of the greatest flavours ever. Best apple by far in my opinion, and no liquorice taste.
Cherry fakher and Amir cherry are both fantastic cherry's in their own right. Their difference warrants having both in my opinion. They are not similar. Fakher perhaps is a stronger flavour with some floral undertones, whereas amir is a very smooth mild cherry flavour.
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Thanks King Mo!  Cypress, I will pick up a box of the AF regular Apple flavor and as soon as I get a chance to smoke it, I'll either keep it or ship it on to you :)
I didn't really find a floral taste at all in my AF Cherry...hmmmmm....I think it is a very sweet, sugar kind of a cherry flavor, like cherry candy sort of...I do want to try the Al Amir, but not for $10 and 250g of it, lol.  Maybe I'll get lucky and the store will have a 50g of it or something - otherwise I think I'll buy the AF.  Thanks guys!
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