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Tea Or No Tea?

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An earlier post got me to thinking and I figured I would see if anyone else did this or thought it might be a good idea.
I was smoking a few nights earlier and I was drinking a cup of Tazo Chai and got to thinking. I wondered if mixing tea leaves from the bag with shisha would be good or not, so I mixed some chai with some orange/mandarin. it was amazing! you pretty much get the full taste of the orange, but as you exhale, you get the hint of chai spice.
That opened up a whole new world of tea/shisha mixes. My favorites at the moment are chai tea and pumpkin pie shisha, and tazo calm (or any other camomille tea) with orange shisha.

If anyone else has tried this please let me know i'm not completely crazy by trying it out; and if you are intrigued by it, try it out and let me know how it works out. I think its a marvelous idea and it adds a neat element to the smoke!
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i once mixed a bit of tea with handrolling tobacco and it was extremely harsh and gross.on the other hand, drinking tea while smoking hookah is a very good combination. smoking nakhla mint and drinking mint tea is super refreshing in the summer.
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