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Big Winner Baby!

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Yay!! I won a free hookah on hookah shisha.com
For the record it is possible to win a hookah on their hookah giveaway. I have $135 credit towards a free hookah which will serve as a good back up hookah. I currently have a one hose abyss hookah with some upgrades on the hose, bowl, and base

If anyone read my last topic about by stem being damaged I did order a new one but what hookah would you all recommend me get as a back up??
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Definitely look at the syrian hookahs on hookah-shisha. I personally like the glyph and the engineer. I've heard that the engineer is like a bunker in the strength and versatility of its construction. so, if you're after a back-up or party hookah that'll never fail maybe give it a try.
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