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To All You Golden Seal Esk Apple Nuts!

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I just got off the phone with Ali,  owner of SocialSmoke, 
and I told him that MR Bubble was practically flippin-out because he
can't find anymore Eskandarani Apple. And Ali said that he just happens
to have some left,  not much,  but enough so that if some
people wanted to buy some then you could.

I originally PM'd MR Bubble with this news,  but he passed on the
offer,  so now I'm passing it onto all of you.  Ali said that
if you call on Friday and say that you spoke to Ali about it and he
said it was okay,  then the Sales rep will sell it to you.  I
think Ali said that this is his own personal supply,  but that
he's willing to part with it if some customers REALLY want it.

You can't buy it online,  so you're going to have to call-in to
place your order.  The phone number is: 

This will be your last chance to get any Golden Seal products for
awhile because Al-Fakher won't be exporting it for probably quite some
time.  Some kind of legal thing having to do with exporting,  I

So,  call on Friday if you guys are interested,  because I'm
certain it won't last for long.  Ali said he's only got a few
cartons or containers of it left,  I forgot which 
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Well,  don't fret,  because SocialSmoke will be selling
another brand of Eskandarani Apple,  called Havana.  I think
Ali mentioned that his prices will be very reasonable and that he's
tried all the flavors and he's EXTREMELY impressed with the
product.  He said that the Eskandarani Apple is VERY good, 
and the Bahraini Apple is AMAZING!!!

I'm very excited about getting my free samples from
Shisha-Emirates,  and I'll be posting some reviews, 
hopefully this weekend if the samples arrive on Friday,  which I'm
praying for 
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www.Shisha-Emirates.com is selling a brand of ma'assel called
Havana,  and they've said that Esk Apple is very good.  But
wait,  it gets even better,  they've got 4 different Apple

Double Apple

Bahraini Apple

Eskindrani Apple


Special Apple

The Bahraini is supposed to be OUTSTANDING,  without ANY licorice flavor whatsoever.

I'll be reviewing all 4 on Saturday afternoon.

So be sure to tune-in 
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havana is pretty good value for money.
had some of it on and off for the past couple of years.
The good thing about havana is that their tobacco does have a decent taste, especially their grape and strawberry. They do however burn pretty quickly, and although you get a good 30 minutes of good smoke, you'll be frustrated at the speed at which it burns out. Definately better than nakhla and waha though.
The grape is similar to al amir grape, but not quite
the strawberry is similar to Fakher strawberry, but not quite.
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[quote name='Mathazar']tobbsman split a longtime ago.  No idea what he's up to or when ,  if ever,  he's  coming back [/quote]
I bought some layalina cherry and strawberry due to tobbsmans glowing report of this brand.
They were absolutely crap and a waste of money.
I hope he does come back so I can tell him how crappy that brand is!
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Speaking of apple flavors...

What's the difference in flavor between Double Apple, Bahraini Apple,
Eskindrani, Apple and Special Apple? I had Bahraini apple, and i nearly
puked. I can't stand black licorice. Do the other apple flavors smell
like licorice?
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Got mine!
Once I got past a slightly suprised phone person saying he's taken like 5 calls already from people on our forum and was wondering what was going on.  He got Ali for me, who was also a bit suprised to hear from me...not sure if he had intended for Math to broadcast the information forum wide...but he was happy enough to take my order. I think he says he may have a box or 2 left..so get it while you can.
its 30.56 plus shipping...must be a 500 g box, didn't care. Finally find a flavour I like, not going to let it get away without a fight.
Nice guy, Ali. I'd say between them and Hookahcompany I'll not want for supplies nor REAL CUSTOMER SERVICE!
(though hoookahooks still has really really nice hookahs, special spot in my heart since I got mine there)
Thanks for the tip Math!
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Stay away from 2 (double,XX) apple flavours. They tend to have the most Licorice.
The AF Esk. apple has no licorice, but it is also now but impossible to get.
NO idea about special apple...sounds like super secret probation to me.
(refrence for the old farts)
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This is true,  it is now close to impossible to get Al-Fakher Golden Seal Eskandrani Apple. 

BUT.....There's a New Kid On The Block,  and his name is
Havana.  Havana ma'assel is going to be sold by both
Shisha-Emirates and Social Smoke.  Who will offer you the BEST
price,  I cannot say at this time.  SocialSmoke won't have it
for at least another week or two.  Though Shisha-Emirates.com DOES
have it available,  and they're selling for about $23.00 per
250gram box.  That may sound like a lot of money,  but when
you consider that for every 250gram box of ma'assel,  you're
getting approximate 30 bowls.  That's approximately .67 cents a

Havana ma'assel (aka.....tobacco) will have 4 different Apple flavors: 

Double Apple:  tastes like black licorice.....Mmmm....Yum!!! 

Bahraini Apple: I was told that this blend has NO apple flavor
whatsoever.  It's supposed to be AMAZING.  Ali told me that,

Eskandrani Apple:  Apple flavor.......No Licorice

Special Apple:  Truly and Simply Amazing,  supposedly their BEST Apple flavor......and No Licorice.


Go check them out......Anthony and Richard are business partners, 
and they're Extremely Nice.  Great to do business with.  I
would give these guys a chance,  you may be surprised and really
LOVE doing business with Shisha-Emirates. 
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um Math ole bean...I believe we have heard/seen the same sales pitch atleast er...3 times? We understand your enthusiasm for the stuff, which you've actually tried by now? I have a suggestion. Start a new posting, write all that in there...and let it be there for any and all who want the details. You're starting to sound like a paid endorsement. We've slammed people for pushing their own sites here, and if you are getting samples to "promote" the stuff, you're working for them. I remember the same enthusiasm for Hookah Hookah stuff when I first joined...
Easy does it man.
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Well,  when I said I was getting free samples to promote
Shisha-Emirates,  that didn't mean that I was going to give
dishonest reviews.  CAPECHE?

Actually,  I have NOT received the samples yet,  they're coming tomorrow, Overnight Shipping!!! 

When I receive the samples,  I'm going to smoke/review them
individually.  I'll try to take your suggestion and not get
over-excited about these flavors and the company, as I did with
HookahHookah.  Although,  at the time,  I thought
HookahHookah was the BEST ma'assel on the PLANET!!!

Thanks for your $.03,  but I told Shisha-Emirates I was going to
review the samples, and that is what I intend to do.  If I seem to
be over-excited after smoking the samples,  it will simply mean
that Havana is my NEW ma'assel.  Whom I buy it from will be
another story.  Great Customer Service is AWESOME, and I respect
any company willing to throw a bunch of money INTO it,  to make
their customers feel satisfied.  But,  if SocialSmoke is
selling it at EXTREMELY reduced prices,  I may have no choice but
to shop with them.  If SocialSmoke is only offering a minor price
reduction,  then I may go with Shisha-Emirates,  because I
like these guys a lot,  and I'd like to see them succeed in their
first year of business.  But, I like Ali a lot,  too. 

Though I will be honest in my reviews,  I promise not to shovel
this stuff down everyone's throats like I did with HookahHookah 
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Ali is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
What great customer service today on the phone!  I am getting 2 50g packs of GS AF ESK APPLE from him and I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited about it.
HUGE THUMBS UP AND BIG TIME 10/10 FOR SOCIAL SMOKE STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE AND PROVIDING THEIR CUSTOMERS WITH WHAT THEY WANT, GS AF ESK APPLE! IN FACT, if its true that Ali really sold this stuff out of his own personal collection, then I am just stunned!
Thanks SO MUCH ALI AND SOCIAL SMOKE!  My one and only hookah is from social smoke and smokes great!! :) 
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We've thumped people HARD for pushing their sites on the forum.
You are essentially a paid endorsement. Your getting paid in tobacco. The post above is an advertisement. Your are talking about how good flavours are that you haven't even tried yet, repeting what the company TELLS you about them including: [color="#ff0000"]Special Apple:  Truly and Simply Amazing,  supposedly their BEST Apple flavor......and No Licorice and Double Apple:  tastes like black licorice.....Mmmm....Yum!!! 
You've never actually ordered anything from them, so you've never been a customer yet you urge others to:
Go check them out......Anthony and Richard are business partners,  and they're Extremely Nice.  Great to do business with.  I would give these guys a chance,  you may be surprised and really LOVE doing business with Shisha-Emirates.
May i humbly suggest sticking to reviews. If this stuff turns out to be less than spectacular or if their actual customer service is less than stellar, it will be hard to come back in a week and say: FORGET ALL THOSE GREAT THINGS I SAID ABOUT THEM, I WAS WRONG. You planning on refunding money spent by anyone who ordered on your "promotion"?
Your credibility is what makes you an asset on the forum and you're a real nice guy to boot...but I humbly suggest sticking to reviews.
(praise no mead til drunk, no sword til used, and no woman til bedded....an old Viking told me that once )
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I ordered my Ma'asell from Ali at 7 pm. by 8:45 pm it was on a ups truck and headed my way. I'ts due here Monday. I probably caught them just before their regular pick up time, and Ali taking the order and telling the guys there to get it packed while we were still talking on the phone didn't hurt, but....daaaamn.
Looks like its 10 50g boxes...easy storage. cool.
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