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Rama Geni Goodness

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Well, my girl and I just got back from Rama Geni Cafe. Just like the
last time we went the service was absolutely amazing. Veni greeted us
as we walked up, the "hookah pro" checked on the coal every 5 minutes
or so, and the chicken pita sandwiches are heaven. Wish we could have
went a couple of days before to sit with ya whyteboy, maybe some other
time if we get the chance =). Anyway, for those of you that haven't
been there before need to check it out. Love the atmosphere and
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I wouldn't call it WeHo...it's more like the very beginning of the Hollywood area as opposed to just generic "West La."
What did you smoke there? I am so glad you took me up on my recommendation and got the chicken sandwich, it is SO good I am now drooling.
Veni is the man.  I was discussing with him the other night the b.s. hookah research they were talking about on CNN the other night...what ppl don't get is the comparing a ONE HOUR hookah session (generally with like 5-6-7 ppl whatever) to ONE cigarette that someone smoke by themselves.  it's ridiculous.  I am ALL FOR a concrete, well-done, scientific study on this stuff to broaden everyone's knowledge, but for god sake's make it a LEGITIMATE study.  anyway, veni was laughing and saying how ON THE BOX it shows ZERO percent tar (assuming you use the hookah correctly and aren't burning/smoldering anything and that nicotine level for the ma'assel in a box is SO below cig level, it's nuts.  anyway, he goes "man living in LA, I f**K myself up more everyday just walking on the streets of LAs pollution and breathing that air than I do on the hookah!"
so what did you smoke there?  I'll be sure to let you know if/when Veni lets me know they have begun to sell Rama Geni Ma'assel to the public.
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We smoked strawberry this time instead of apple like the first time.
The smoke was good in the beginning, but during the middle of the
session the flavor started to die off, but then just as we were
deciding to leave the flavor kicked back up so we decided to stay for a
little while longer =)
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