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Well, until someone else does a job more professionaly, i'll give a few fact, since i had a chance to try it in egypt. In fact it was the only flavor i did every day, lol.
It's very sweet, but not to sweet (you want to "eat" it however), you definatelly feel a hint if some citrus flavor, but i'm not sure if you can really say what in there, if you know i mean. White smoke. Very thick and dense, you actually feel it on your lips when exaling. Probably best Nakhla flavor. Tho i must say i didnt tried all of them. I guess if you like Nakhla i would go for this one.
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Okay, something is really wrong here. This is not the same Nakhla mixed fruit I had 4 or 5 years ago. I suspect they have rebuilt it into something good. I guess I will go into the unknown. Go where no SANE man has gone before. Be the Pandora to open the box. I will sacrifice myself for the name of Massell science and order up a box of this stuff. I'm scared of this. I remember how it was before. However, with a bold curiosity for the unknown, and the pioneering spirit, I will...I will do a nose hit even! I just gotta see for myself.
MR Bubble (The Horror! The Horror!)
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[quote name='MR Bubble']Okay, something is really wrong here. This is not
the same Nakhla mixed fruit I had 4 or 5 years ago. I suspect they have
rebuilt it into something good. I guess I will go into the unknown. Go
where no SANE man has gone before. Be the Pandora to open the box. I
will sacrifice myself for the name of Massell science and order up a
box of this stuff. I'm scared of this. I remember how it was before.
However, with a bold curiosity for the unknown, and the pioneering
spirit, I will...I will do a nose hit even! I just gotta see for myself.
MR Bubble ([i]The Horror! The Horror!)[/i][/quote]

May the hookah gods be with you.
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