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Would You Classify Hookah As A Hobby?

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I would define a hobby as any active pursuit that does not constitute a livelihood.

Collecting hookahs is a hobby. Building hookahs is a hobby. Trading hookahs is a hobby. Juggling hookahs is a hobby.
These are active pursuits.

Being a plumber is not a hobby. Being a professional hookah merchant is not a hobby.
These are livelihoods.

Eating is not a hobby. Consuming illegal substances is not a hobby. Breathing is not a hobby. Watching TV is not a hobby. Drinking beer, smoking cigars, tasting fine cheeses, and wearing clothes, are not hobbies.
These are manners or habits of consumption.

Smoking hookah is a manner or habit of consumption, not a hobby.

Just my perception of course, but it's an objective one. Edited by gaia.plateau
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QUOTE (gaia.plateau @ Nov 15 2007, 04:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would define a hobby as any active pursuit that does not constitute a livelihood.

Collecting hookahs is a hobby. Building hookahs is a hobby. Trading hookahs is a hobby. Juggling hookahs is a hobby.
These are active pursuits.

Being a plumber is not a hobby. Being a professional hookah merchant is not a hobby.
These are livelihoods.

Eating is not a hobby. Consuming illegal substances is not a hobby. Breathing is not a hobby. Watching TV is not a hobby. Drinking beer, smoking cigars, tasting fine cheeses, and wearing clothes, are not hobbies.
These are manners or habits of consumption.

Smoking hookah is a manner or habit of consumption, not a hobby.

Just my perception of course, but it's an objective one.

i guess your definition is different than the english dictionary.
according to dictionary.com......

hob·by1 /ˈhɒbi/
–noun, plural -bies.
1. an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation

so plumbing could be a hobby. why cant a person like to fix plumbing as a hobby after work?
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QUOTE (chinamon @ Nov 14 2007, 10:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i guess your definition is different than the english dictionary.
according to dictionary.com......

hob·by1 /ˈhɒbi/
–noun, plural -bies.
1. an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation

so plumbing could be a hobby. why cant a person like to fix plumbing as a hobby after work?
Wow - I'm seriously surprised at how close my definition was. I honestly just pulled that completely out of my rectum.
Still, I wouldn't call smoking "pursuing", I would call it "consuming".

And I didn't say that plumbing couldn't be a hobby, I said that being a plumber isn't a hobby. If it's your main occupation, according to you, or a livelihood, as verbalized by me, it isn't a hobby.

Edit: Also... are we really at the point in human society where dictionary.com is the english dictionary? blink.gif Edited by gaia.plateau
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QUOTE (chinamon @ Nov 14 2007, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gaia.plateau @ Nov 15 2007, 05:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Edit: Also... are we really at the point in human society where dictionary.com is the english dictionary? blink.gif

find me another source that defines it differently then.
i think the definition that it provided to be rather accurate.

Well, the definition that I made up on the spot was effectually identical to the one you found on the site... so why? I was just expressing the chagrin I would feel if dictionary.com was widely considered to be the paragon authority of english vocabulary.
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Consider it both a sport and hobby.

Sport wise : biggest hit, biggest O, etc.
Hobby wise : always expanding your "Library", making things better, figuring out what goes where, tinkering with parts for better smoke, etc.
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QUOTE (gaia.plateau @ Nov 15 2007, 12:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chinamon @ Nov 14 2007, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gaia.plateau @ Nov 15 2007, 05:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Edit: Also... are we really at the point in human society where dictionary.com is the english dictionary? blink.gif

find me another source that defines it differently then.
i think the definition that it provided to be rather accurate.

Well, the definition that I made up on the spot was effectually identical to the one you found on the site... so why? I was just expressing the chagrin I would feel if dictionary.com was widely considered to be the paragon authority of english vocabulary.

It is a useful tool, in that it draws from many different databases. However, like Wikipedia, this strength can easily turn into a weakness, given how lax the standards for some of these sources are.
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I've actually been thinking about it
and it depends on how seriously you take it.
I'd say that if you're serious enough to post on a hookah forum then it's a hobby.
But if you sometimes have it with your friends and are only interested in the bare minimum of smoking it and that's it the it's a social past-time.

So for me it is a hobby.
Even if I wouldn't list it on a CV tongue.gif
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QUOTE (Dekon @ Nov 14 2007, 11:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Consider it both a sport and hobby.

Sport wise : biggest hit, biggest O, etc.
Hobby wise : always expanding your "Library", making things better, figuring out what goes where, tinkering with parts for better smoke, etc.

You have a library!?

Geez... i have to keep mine in the closet in little tubs...

*sniff* i wish i had a library... with shisha and books and stuff...

*sniff sniff* I wish i could read them too...
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I would seriously consider hookah smoking a hoby, as it is something that is an enjoyable distraction from the mundane. As far as considering it consumption goes, I would consider consumption to include the nececities, eating, beathing, etc.

With regard to a hoby being somehting you have to spend money on, nothing coul dbe farther from the truth. think of all the people who's hobbies are collecting things.

Just my 2 cents
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