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H-S Abyss mod hookah

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I've got two quesions.  I already contacted H-S about half a week ago and haven't heard anything.
Question the first:  Are the hoses that come with the Abyss washable?
Question the second:  What is the size of the base on said hookah?  From the picture and my crappy figuring, it looks like a medium base, but what would a medium sized base be doing on a 34" tall hookah?
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It does look a might top heavy. The hoses LOOK like the mya hoses I have that are totally washable. I've heard good things about the company, but the lack of a reply to your e-mail MIGHT be a hint to look elsewhere.
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My brother, Stew, got his hookah from there...the Sphinx 1 hose genie..and it was perfectly handled.
I have seen two example of hookahs:
My friend, Leon, got his from hookahhub and its quality is less than perfect, then I saw Stew's...I was greatly impressed with the quality and workmanship that was put into that hookah.  That is my first choice for places to buy from and I am finding it hard to look at other sites for hookahs knowing what I can expect from H-S.
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i ordered from them twice.
great customer service, and reccoment them in terms of satisfaction

the hose is probably the same washable one i received both times.

i agree the hookah is heavy, but its cool, get something from them!!
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I have a medium sized Syrian (different hookah from a different store) but the size of the base reminds me of what you're looking at. The smoke from mine isn't as cool as the larger Egyptians. I just never have had a good smoke from it and I do blame it on the base size. However, the length of the shaft may help it cool down some before it hits the water. Don't really know.
MR Bubble 
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Seems like a medium to me -the latest year i also been smoking a syrian and thought i was doing ok but a week ago i started to use ol abdul again (large egyptian) and to be honest i dont think i be smoking the syrian again so i guess it is as they say the bigger the better -it was my wife that thought we should buy the syrian beacuse it looked better but i guess she have to get use to ugly abdul again
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Should I get this one or look into getting a large egyptain?  The first time I looked at the abyss I fell in love with it...stark black!!!  But there are also the 30" egyptians too.
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I would dissagree, in my experience the sryian style bowls are far less prone to harshness and also make thicker smoke, because in general they have a better depth to surface area ratio. The only negative might be longevity, as egyptian bowl tend to be large and last through longer sessions/more people.
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