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information sticky?


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hey guys
well im allways on other forums (paintball, ultimate, etc...) and iv allways noticed theres a sticky with lots of information and usually answers all most any question (eg for a hookah forum there could be info about what makes a good hookah, what you need to get started...all the way down to how to lite coal)
iv allways found these help full and it is definitly a lot of work for someone to type up everything they know about hookah's.....just thought i'd throw that suggestion out there
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  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah, this was thought of a while back, but only those with admin
privalages can do us this honor. Hopefully one of our good admins, when
they have some free time, will get on this one day. It would help many
new people looking for small questions the time in making a new thread
if they could find what there looking for in a stickied thread ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...
It does look like an interesting and fun proposition. It's oh-dark- thirty right now, so reply this and list the specific format you envision. I'm not sure I know exactly what you're after as that is the purpose of the forum as a whole. Are we talking 1 thread or multiple covering each subject?
MR Bubble
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woah sorry for the late reply..didn;t check back here for a wile
umm well most sticky's are filled with information so there would be 1 sticky called the ultimate sticky or whateever and in there there will be topics like
-everything you need to know about a hookah (size, material, pro's con's, etc...)
-then something on how to setup
-information on coals from what kind, how to ash, and even how and when to rotate
-info on shisha
-and anything else
the idea of this is for someone experienced to write it and it will take a few hours of work to do so. also when writing as yourself even the most simple question like is there a proper way to put foil on the bowl. this is how a new person would think wanting to know every single detail so they can be on their way.
also this should be biased saying a larger hookah is better then a smaller or vise versa but more so listing the pro's and con's of each and letting the reader decide(eg a large hookah provides tons of smoke where a smaller one provides less but has more flavour and is easier to transport and clean).
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