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Time for some vacation

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Everybody's leaving,  cypress is gone and now alen's
leaving.  Who knows where mushrat is,  haven't seen him
around much in the last couple days.

Oh well,  out with the old and in with the new.  We're just
going to have to rebuild the forum, and I'm confident that new members
will add new life to the Forum.

Later alen,  been nice knowing you 
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I didn't know Cypress left!!! I leave the forum for one day...ONE DAY...and this happends.
Can't dwell on it.  Like Math said, out with the old and in with the new.  As long as some of the more seasoned smokers are left to train the newbz things will be fine.
I wish all who have left, and those who may leave in the future, the fondest farewells.
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Thanks soup you and me have still some things to discuss so i will send you my email so we still can keep contact
and math you will shure miss me -yeah right but when i complained once on one of your threads you nearly burst out in tears on my pm telling me to stay out of YOUR tread so im asking you polite- do you think you could stay out of MY last thread - there shure gonna be alot of newbies here on the forum soon so you shure will be the king on the hill again -these inputs and how little you care of old members only shows what kind of guy you really are -so please if the guys have something to say to me let them ok i think its really great of them taking the time to say goodbye and another thing i shure will come back in the spring after ive been in asia (if im going to asia) otherwise ill be back earlier than you think and you could keep up dizzing me then ok (why dont you spend time at the astrochick forum for awile ?or havent they made you a moderator as you so kindly asked them to be)
anyone thinks mathazar could hold his fingers from the keyboard 5 minutes? -  i dont but well see
anyway a big thanks to you all guys for all nice words but im not gonna be away forever well be seeing eachother again sooner or later - and next session i will dedicate to you all
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[quote name='Mathazar']Everybody's leaving,  cypress is gone and now alen's
leaving.  Who knows where mushrat is,  haven't seen him
around much in the last couple days.

Oh well,  out with the old and in with the new.  We're just
going to have to rebuild the forum, and I'm confident that new members
will add new life to the Forum.

Later alen,  been nice knowing you [/quote]

Why do you have to be such a heartless douche? I'm not trying to start
anything, but you could at least RESTRAIN YOURSELF from making comments
about how you dont give a sh*t if we lose GREAT members, thanks.
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Oh, btw Alen, have a great time and dont forget about us! Maybe I will
start a forum  some time soon, and you will be the first one I
invite. And if anybody so much as thinks about being an asshole, I will
PERMANENTLY BAN their IP adress. No offence to adrock, im sure he's a
busy guy, but this place is going to HELL.

Someday I will visit Sweden, and we will smoke the Nargile all the live long day!

Peace brother.
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Why do I have to be such a heartless douche? 

Because I think people are leaving the forum for pussy reasons. 
Most of the people have either left or are leaving,  and most of
the reason is because of the childish behavior that's gone on in the
last week regarding Shisha-Emirates and because of BADASS.  It
left a bad taste in people's mouths.  So instead of continuing as
members and trying to rebuild the forum up to it's previous standards
as a GREAT place to come and talk about hookahs,  people instead
are taking the easy way out and leaving.

I'm sticking around,  because I feel that new members will bring
life back to the forum.  People who are newbies now,  six
months or a year from now will be considered experienced smokers and
will also be considered valued members of the forum.  And everyone
who is pussying-out and leaving the forum now will soon be
forgotten.  They will leave NO legacy behind because there won't
be enough members left in the forum who will remember these guys. 
I JUST can't believe cypress left.  There is ONE guy who I will
NOT soon forget.  He was a stand-up guy.  He always made his
opinions count without insulting or humiliating anyone. And he was a
great moderator.

I think alen is WAY to over-sensitive!  I've just been joking
around with him to lighten-up the post-flamewar atmosphere around here
lately,  and all he can think to do is jump all over me, 
bringing-up things I said weeks or months ago,  and 
constantly criticizing me for posts that should be dead and
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I like you,  JD,  I hope you and I are not going to become
mortal enemies in the forum.  You DO have a mean side to
you,  but I think that mostly you're a pretty good guy. 
Let's not start flaming each other,  because if you decide to
stick around here,  those of us older members who are left will
need to join forces to bring this forum back to life again.

I understand that my comments in the previous post are a bit
harsh,  but at least I'm not taking cheap-shots at someone for
things they said in the past that have already been discussed and LONG
buried in the forum archives.

I truly do wish alen a good life and hope we see him around here again soon. 

But,  Geez, if you're leaving frigging do it already 
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Thanks J.D thats cool talk to you later-well since you math seem to have problems with me for leaving the forum for awile let me say this to you im way to tired to waste energy on you thats why i asked you to keep out of this thread but if you call my time off from this forum for pussying out let me say this to you -
the day you will fit in to ordinary clothes and not have to wobble around in your mo-mo than you too maybe can go on a holiday if you manage the stairs- if you read what im gonna do then you maybe understand that im really going on a vakation it will start in amterdam and after a couple of weeks me and my wife is going to asia first to thailand and then to the philippines-
 i have tried to be kind to you many times but allways got sh*t back and now you see am i really fed up with your bad attitude- you are complaining over that ppl leaving the forum for childish things but let me tell you one thing at 80%of the cases you are the reason they leave i have spoken with many guys that have pm me and said that they where sorry to leave but that they where really fed up with your bullsh*t and sick behavior-and i still have contact with many of them -
a good thing for you would be if you contacted a shrink so you could get help with your sickness so you dont have to bullying members and newbies -and your right when all good guys have left the forum it just you left with a bunch of new guys and then you could play grand hookah sultan emir or what the hell you wanna call yourself and another thing -you said you wanna get the forum back to old standards i can say this that the week you was sitting home sobbing over how bad mush were against you that week was the best week for many mounth -
 so dickhead never say that im pussying out beacuse if you know me and if you stood infront of me you wouldnt dare to say a thing like that- belive me
have a heartattack -you the mum
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You see what I mean,  alen is WAY too over-sensitive.  He
can't take simple criticism and process it like a civilized human
being.  He's got to take cheap-shot after cheap-shot, 
coming-up with as many mean things to say as he can think of, 
rather than approach my criticism with an intelligent response.

He tells me to have a heartattack,  that's really nice alen,  very mature of you  A comment I would REALLY expect out of an intelligent married man.

You call me names like fatso,  and brutally mean things about my
weight,  yet you have NOTHING intelligent to comeback with

And those guys you've been talking to who have left the forum because
of my "bullsh*t"?  As far as I'm concerned,  the forum will
be a better place without them and YOU,  because all you guys EVER
do is complain.  You're all a bunch of frigging crybabies!!! 
  You all want the forum to be a
better place,  but you're not willing to stick around and make it
better.  I'm not talking specifically about you,  alen, 
I'm referring to those other guys who pussied-out and abandoned this
forum.  Rather than confronting me with their problems with
me,  they leave like the dogs that they are with their tail
between their legs,  wimpering like young schoolgirls.  If
they were MEN,  they'd stay in the forum and try to make it a
better place.

Btw,  exactly WHAT "bullsh*t" are you talking about?  Can you
be a little more specific as to what exactly I've done to piss EVERYONE
off?  If somebody told me,  and didn't pussy-foot around
talking behind my back to each other about me,  then maybe some of
these discrepencies you guys have with me could have been
avoided.  I'm flexible,  I'm willing to change. 
So,  now that you're getting so personal with me,  tell me
EXACTLY what I've done to piss everyone off,  bad enough to get
them to leave the forum because of me. 

alen,  I think the sooner you and those other guys leave the
forum,  then the sooner this place will start to heal from it's
wounds that ALL OF YOU GUYS created
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well i dont think you even should use the word mature math we have talked about that before -you know that night when you deleted all my inputs i wrote- you know the night when you pm me and nearly cried and begged me not to tell all members what an ass you had been and how rude and personal you been to me-
ill use this bad attitude just to make you understand that i too can behave like the dick you are and if you havent any common sence to understand what you do to piss people off then i cant help you sorry but you really should understand that
it just for you to go back to your erlier treads and answers that you posted i think the most of us here on the forum knows exactly what im talking about and why not everybody bring it up i dont know (afraid to make you sad maybe or just dont wanna be rude)you know most ppl here have maybe a good upbringing and dont wanna be an asshole as for me i have bitten my lip a long time when it comes to you and your way of treating members but thats over now -
when you put your fat nose in my goodbye tread and try to be funny on my behalf then am afraid that you have yourself to blame insted of behaving like a jelous little boy that thinks its ufair that nobody said bye to you all time you pussyied out and left for how many times good knows
if you gonna dizz me my good mum -sorry man expect some serious sh*t back
oh yeah did you know what adrock wrote me erlier today he said he was sorry to see me leavin and that badass promiced to stop all terror on this forum if he took away the emirates thread and if he did he would put down the hookah forum-net page by midnight so dont try to blame us guys for things YOU CREATED for some lousy samples you tried to get for your own pleasure
Btw i told adroc that im not leaving for what badass done lately but that im really going on a vakation But i did tell him that im really fed up with you and i suggested that you should have a warning for your f**king bad attitude toward members here
well math now we know what we think of eachoters -so do you think you can get the hell out of this thread- im leavind soon so if there any more good guys that wanna say goodbye can we let them ?- if its anymore left so to say
oh yeah why not put up a poll to see how popular you are around here
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[QUOTE=Mathazar]You see what I mean,  alen is WAY too over-sensitive.  He can't take simple criticism and process it like a civilized human being.  He's got to take cheap-shot after cheap-shot,  coming-up with as many mean things to say as he can think of,  rather than approach my criticism with an intelligent response.He tells me to have a heartattack,  that's really nice alen,  very mature of you  A comment I would REALLY expect out of an intelligent married man
ooh yeah there is nothing wrong with my intelligense what it all falling on is the langue if i spoke better english then you would get much more explinations and fancy words than these -so be glad that i cant put words on everything i wanna say to you
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[quote name='mushrat']c'mon useless...how are we going to get people to use the other topic??[/quote]
yepp enough is enough - this thread was meaning as a goodbye from me to all good guys here on the forum sorry to see that ppl couldnt use it for what it was for and had to call me a pussy for going away for awile- im sorry for bringing the forum down in another uneccesary flamewar but i dont take sh*t from ppl when all i have tried here was to help ppl and share stuff and things just to spread some fun around here -i really hope that atleast some of you guys think i have done something good this time ive been here but sorry to say but this is the way i am if ppl show me some respect ill show respect -if ppl treat me like sh*t ill do the same back simple as that
so to all guys that i respect the best to you all and hope you bring back the good ol forum to what it ones was -and take care everybody
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[quote name='Soup']I didn't know Cypress left!!! I leave the forum for one day...ONE DAY...and this happends.
Can't dwell on it.  Like Math said, out with the old and in
with the new.  As long as some of the more seasoned smokers are
left to train the newbz things will be fine.
I wish all who have left, and those who may leave in the future, the fondest farewells.[/quote]
No I havent left. I havent had much time the past week. I am skimming
through the forums due to an email that I received. I have been in alot
of meetings due to Katrina. We have alot of damage to our compressor
stations for our pipeline. I have been working 18 hour days and only
getting 5 hours of sleep a night. I am NOT going to leave the forum
anytime soon.
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