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A Couple Of Questions

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Hey guys. I was hoping you could help me answer a couple of questions. First, after everyone's great advice and help, I decided to purchase the KM Elzahbeia from Hookah-Life, which is just a beauty. There are pictures of it I found on someone's flickr site you can view here, fi you want:


So, on to the questions:

1: This may sound stupid, but I'm a bit of a n00b and I don't really want to break or screw up my new hookah, so,
can anyone give me advice on how to put the stem in the vase and removing it with ease?
When I try to put the stem in the vase, the grommet goes on pretty hard/snug (it is supposed to do this for a good seal right?)
I don't really want to force it into the vase, but if I need to I will...
Here's a pic of the grommet, to get a better idea:




2: I've searched and have a hard time finding a good answer: To store shisha,
should I put it in a ziplock, then something like a tupperware container?
Should I refrigerate it or leave it out? How long can I expect it to last?

Thanks for all your help guys, you're the best! I'll let you know how it smokes soon smile.gif


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wet the grommet then just twist it on with force, i ahve the same problem with my syrian glyph.

you can do either or, i like tupper ware personally, i can mix it alot easier (just shake the thing)

no dont put it in the fridge, acclimate it. Edited by Canon
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when using a hookah with a non-threaded stem and vase i find it easiest to put it together and take it apart with a twisting motion.
shisha is best when stored at room temperature. to store mine i used the ziploc screw cap containers. then before using i just shake the shisha in the container to mix the juices back in.
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oh yeha, and take that stupid vase protector off. id only use it when your smoking outside on a not so stable surface or smoking with alot of people and you expect your hookah to get knocked over.. it looks alot better without
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